A Study on the Sports Programs of Korea YMCA during Japanese Colonial Rule 체육사 / 일제하 한국 YMCA의 대외 체육프로그램에 관한 연구
김동선DongSunKim , 김재우JaeWooKim
38(4) 11-21, 1999
A Study on the Sports Programs of Korea YMCA during Japanese Colonial Rule 체육사 / 일제하 한국 YMCA의 대외 체육프로그램에 관한 연구
김동선DongSunKim , 김재우JaeWooKim
The purpose of this study is to review via YMCA journals and newspapers such sports programs organized by YMCA during Japanese colonial rule as indoor sports events, Judo demonstrations, sports classrooms and events.
Indoor sports events and Judo demonstrations had provided the people with an opportunity to amuse themselves, while enlightening them for sports widely, like the grand sports event in early 1990. In particular, the indoor sports events played the role of preaching Christianity, while being presented for women who had been alienated for sports activities, and thus, contributed much to the development of women`s sports in the nation.
YMCA sports classrooms consisted mainly of basketball, dance and martial arts during 1920`s, but since 1931 when Nills Book`s team demonstrated their gymnastics, they began to give people opportunities to learn about health gymnastics based on Nills Book`s gymnastic textbook. However, since Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese colonists introduced their imperialistic National Gymnastics Code to the colony, and thereby, YMCA had to operate its martial art classrooms for wrestling or Karate. But YMCA`s sports classrooms focused on basketball, martial arts and wrestling contributed much to technological improvement and distribution of nation s sports. Meanwhile, YMCA health gymnastic classrooms contributed much to people`s health, which could be proven by the fact that Seoul Health Gymnastic Group was organized in the wake of the YMCA classrooms.
On the other hand, YMCA began to host the sports events for the members of Korea Christian Students` Meeting since 1910, and beginning from mid-1920`s, the organization undertook to hold a nation-wide sports event, supporting other organizations` sports programs. Also, as the War began to spread on a full scale, YMCA`s sports events would be subject to the Japanese sports organizations in the forms of "hosting" or "sponsorship". Finally, the 15th Basketball League in 1942 was the last sports event of YMCA. All in all, the sports events contributed much to improvement of young Korean people`s competence and sports spirit, and particularly, Ssirum and archery contests should deserve due appreciation because they provided the sports opportunities to young Korean alienated from sports activities, while serving much to modernize the traditional sports events.
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The Influence on the Improvement of Modern Korean Sports to Seo Sang Chun, Moon Kok 체육사 / 문곡 서상천의 한국 근대스포츠 발전에 미친 영향
손환HwanSon , 최종균JongKyunChoi
38(4) 22-32, 1999
The Influence on the Improvement of Modern Korean Sports to Seo Sang Chun, Moon Kok 체육사 / 문곡 서상천의 한국 근대스포츠 발전에 미친 영향
손환HwanSon , 최종균JongKyunChoi
This experiment took place in reveal the influence of students who studied in Japan on the improvement of modern Korean sports during the Japanese colonial period. The focus was on Seo Sang Chun, who graduated from a gymnastics school in Japan. During his career, he focused on the concept of sports by introducing weight lifting, establishing the Institution for the improvement of Chosun Physical stamina(朝鮮體力增進法硏究會), and publishing many books specialized in sports.
As a result, the following can be cluded;
1. Whilst studying in Japan, Seo Sang Chun was encouraged to enter a gymnastic school and specialize in the study of sports by influence of a Japanese who had a deep interest in sports.
2. Seo Sang Chun was the first person to introduce weight lifting to Korea. He also established a school for weight lifting and helped make weight lifting widely known to the Korean public.
3. In order to improve the Korean people`s health and physical stamina, Seo Sang Chun founded the Institution for the improvement of Chosun physical stamina and showed ways to achieve a strong and healthy body through regular exercise.
4. To improve personal health and the physical stamina of athletes, Seo Sang Chun published a book specializing in sports based on scientific theories which focused on methods for physical training.
5. Seo Sang Chun introduced methods which were founed by Eugen Sandow for basic training and exercise to preserve health for a national health movement Korea.
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A Historical Review on the Instructional Process of the Physical Education in Elementary School 체육사 / 초등학교 체육수업과정의 변천과정에 관한 역사적 고찰
유근직KunJickYoo , 김재우JaeWooKim
38(4) 33-42, 1999
A Historical Review on the Instructional Process of the Physical Education in Elementary School 체육사 / 초등학교 체육수업과정의 변천과정에 관한 역사적 고찰
유근직KunJickYoo , 김재우JaeWooKim
The purposes of this study was to review how history has contributed to the development of these three steps in teaching for elementary school.
The first textbook used for education in school was 『Common Pedagogy』(1910). It was followed the Herbart, J. F. teaching method, such as `reserve - explain - training`. then, under Japanese colonial occupation, physical education for school had to follow the 「course of study for gymnastic education」. However, it was constituted by Sweden`s principles of gymnastics. So, physical education for elementary school actually followed Sweden`s standards.
During the early colonial occupation, the physical education for elementary schools followed the principles of Sweden`s three steps in teaching such as `beginning - middle - finish`. After 1930`s, the basic structure of the three steps in teaching was used continuously, but the designation was changed; `preparative excercise - main excercise - consolidation excercise`.
Throughout the Japanese colonial occupation, the course of physical education divided into three phases, such as `preparative excercise - main excercise - consolidation excercise` and added toughness and moderations, hardness or ease. That was encouraged and pervaded, becoming the standard form of the instructional process of physical education, even after the restoration of independence from Japanese colonial occupation that has became the standard form of the instructional process of physical education for today.
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Re-examination of the Idea of Modern Amateurism 체육사 / 역사적(歷史的) 고찰(考察)을 통(通)한 아마추어리즘의 재조명(再照明)
38(4) 43-55, 1999
Re-examination of the Idea of Modern Amateurism 체육사 / 역사적(歷史的) 고찰(考察)을 통(通)한 아마추어리즘의 재조명(再照明)
Ancient amateurism is a myth. Actually, amateurism is a strictly modern concept born in England about 100 years ago. It began as the ideological means to justify an elitist athletic system that sought to bar the working class from sport competition. In fact, amateur is one thing for which the ancient Greeks never even had a word. Ancient amateurism is historically unsupported. In ancient time, competitors accepted prizes which was not morally wrong. Also, professional players and coaches existed for better competitions.
Amateurism had been spreaded out to world since Pierre de Coubertin made amateurism as principle of Olympic Idea. Because of principal wrongness and systematical contradiction of itself, amateurism met its limitation. Under the circumstance of high-developed mass media and commercialism in world sport, amateurism became an unuseful word. Yet, some of people still believe that amateurism is a principle of sport ideology and still use the word as positive meaning which is not right and supposedly replaced by other word.
Sport has became as an important social aspect which brought alteration and confusion of sport ideology. The purposes of this study are understanding the trend of sport ideology and alternation of an wrong sport ideology-amateurism. After all, this study hopefully helps to accept new concepts or ideologies of sport.
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The Socio-Philosophical Diagnosis and Developmental Tasks of Elite Sports Policy in Korea 체육철학 / 한국 엘리트스포츠 정책의 사회철학적 진단과 발전과제
38(4) 59-71, 1999
The Socio-Philosophical Diagnosis and Developmental Tasks of Elite Sports Policy in Korea 체육철학 / 한국 엘리트스포츠 정책의 사회철학적 진단과 발전과제
To be advanced mode, sports area needs to go well between the elite sports and social sports. The elite sports are having several positive functions which include the homogeneous consciousness of people, the sense of superiority and the unity of people. In national sports policy, the elite sports can not be treated lightly. This study was to identify the object and direction related to the elite sports from social-structural angle and physical education expert`s angle to solve some problems we are facing. The national policy tasks are as follows: (1) In connection with athletic area, the government officials who make a decision related to elite sports policy, were suppose to analyze minutely and understand the problems in which the elite sports are facing, in order to make advanced mode for the elite sports. (2) The elite sports needed to achieve the regional balance. (3) In relation to academic area of college athletes, the officials were suppose to make the policies that the athletes need to keep pace with classwork, and they also have to establish full charge organization like National Collegiate Athletic Association for the rights of the athletes and their teams under long-term planning. (4) In relation to the military service of the athletes, the complementary measures were suppose to be set up. Tasks for people who have involved physical education were as follows: (1) They need positive attitudes to accept advanced system for elite sports. (2) The athletes and coaches should try best to get a credit each other. (3) To promote the elite sports, the scientific research and the academic council should be activated. (4) Amateur and professional sports need to establish the system for coexistence.
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Sport and Happiness: The Taste of Sport and Making Enjoyable Society 체육철학 / 스포츠에서 행복 찾기 : 스포츠 맛과 살맛 나는 세상
38(4) 72-83, 1999
Sport and Happiness: The Taste of Sport and Making Enjoyable Society 체육철학 / 스포츠에서 행복 찾기 : 스포츠 맛과 살맛 나는 세상
We can define that the peculiar pleasure of body, obtainable while absorbed in sport, is the taste of sport. The taste of sport is the concept of optimized pleasure. we should offer all students in school physical education of opportunity so as to experience the taste of sport. This experience has to be connected to sport for all by lifting up and habituating the intensity of the taste in making enjoyable society. If the above conditions come true, the habituation to the taste of sport will lead lots of people to take part in sports so much that `enjoyable life` can be made up. People will be able to contribute to promoting consciousness for health and constituting the sound atmosphere of society through continuous participations in sports. The korean society, as much as that, will have a sound foundation under which principles are well observed. Eventually, the taste of sport will be vitalized by the course of school physical education, physical education in university, and sport for all. Those who have ever experienced the taste of sport try to chose it continually, there upon it will be the driving force for sport for all. The whole society, therefore will be `a enjoyable society` in which principles are observed and there are full of vitality and cheer of life.
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A Study on the View of a Human Body in Christian Philosophy 체육철학 / 기독교 철학의 신체사상에 관한 연구
38(4) 84-96, 1999
A Study on the View of a Human Body in Christian Philosophy 체육철학 / 기독교 철학의 신체사상에 관한 연구
This study was meant to look into how a view of the body in genuine Christian philosophy is understood, and what influence this view of body has on Physical education, by diachronically considering a view of body through the theory of human in Christian Philosophy.
Views of the body which became the ground of Christian philosophy, the view of Paul, Luther, and Comenius, not only rejected a dualistic view which meant the separation of body and spirit, but also objected to the ascetic view of the body which neglected or deny the body. To this effect, while they recognized the aspects of both body and spirit of human beings, they thought of humans as inseparable, whole one, or a unity as a whole man.
In the view of the body in Christian philosophy, human beings were considered not a complex one with separated body and spirit or different parts, but a unified one as a whole man, or an organically unified one as a religious being. This view of the body suggests the importance of physical education as education for the whole man, and also provides the ground of thought of education for the whole man. Therefore, the conceptual meaning that the view of the body in Christian philosophy has can be presented as an alternative of organic paradigm of physical education.
Physical education has to place its focus on completing as a whole man, with healthy body and spirit, who reconciles knowledge with conduct by building sound human realizations morally, ethically as well as physically, spiritually and socially. Courses of study will have to aim at personality -building or self- establishment by which communities, as well as each individual can realize their goals and beliefs, at learners` request and interest. Concerning the relationship between teachers and students, they both can make good moral contacts through active participation of teachers who direct students` activities, and the students` voluntary participation.
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The Influence of Physical Abuse on Athletes' Aggression 스포츠사회학 / 신체적 학대가 운동선수의 공격성에 미치는 영향
38(4) 99-112, 1999
The Influence of Physical Abuse on Athletes' Aggression 스포츠사회학 / 신체적 학대가 운동선수의 공격성에 미치는 영향
It is known that sustaining and repetitive physical abuse rise to a serious trouble. The primary purpose of the study was to find out the influence of physical abuse on athletes` aggression.
587 athletes were selected from 74 elementary, middle, and high schools as subjects using proportional stratified cluster random sampling method from December, 1998 to February, 1999.
Physical abuse was measured by the index from K. to R. based on Straus(1974)` Conflict Resolution Technique Scales, and aggression by the items based on Smith(1979)` Aggression Scales for Sports.
MR and ANCOVA were used in order to each hypothesis at α level .05. The conclusions obtained from this procedure were as follows ;
1. The higher the grade, that is the athletic career, the greater the athletes` aggression.
2. There is no significant difference in athletes` aggression between individual contact sports and team contact sports.
Winning career does not influence on athletes` aggression.
3. There is no significant difference in athletes` aggression among non-batterd group, light-vatered group, and heavy battered group.
4. There is a significant difference in athletes` aggression in the order of being battered from coach, subject teacher, senior, family, and others.
5. The higher the frequency of physical abuse, the greater the athletes` aggression.
As a summary of these results, we can anticipate that duration and frequency of physical abuse, and abuser`s status will have significant influences on athletes` aggression than intensity of it.
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The Relationship between Psychological Ownership, Organization Commitment and Extra-role Behavior in the Sport Business Organizations 스포츠사회학 / 스포츠 사업조직의 심리적 소유감과 조지몰입 및 역할외 행동의 관계
38(4) 113-120, 1999
The Relationship between Psychological Ownership, Organization Commitment and Extra-role Behavior in the Sport Business Organizations 스포츠사회학 / 스포츠 사업조직의 심리적 소유감과 조지몰입 및 역할외 행동의 관계
The purpose this study was to investigated the relationship between psychology ownership, organization commitment and extra-role behavior in the sports business organization. Subjects of this study were employees(males=248, females=184) working in sports business organizations located in Seoul and Kyoung-in. The survey questionnaires were used the Psychology Ownerships Scale(Peirce et al, 1992), Organization Commitment Questions(Allen & Meyer, 1990), Extra-role Behavior Scale(Podsakoff et al, 1990). The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data was multiple regression analysis.
From the analyses of data, this study reached the following conclusion.
Firstly, the psychology ownership partially influence on organization commitment. Indeed, the higher the psychology ownership for organization, the higher their continuance commitment and normative commitment. And the higher psychology ownership for organization, the higher the affective commitment.
Secondly, the psychology ownership partially influence on extra-role behavior. Indeed, the higher the psychology ownership for job/work, the higher their courtesy and altruism. And the higher psychology ownership for organization, the higher the altruism, civic virtue and sportsmanship.
Thirdly, the organization commitment partially influence an extra-role behavior. Indeed, the higher the normative commitment, the higher their courtesy, altruism, generalized compliance and sportsmanship. And the higher affective commitment, the higher the civic virtue, sportsmanship. The other hand, the lower affective commitment, the higher courtesy and altruism.
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Mountaineering Experience in Each Stage of Adolescent's Outdoor Training Activities
38(4) 121-129, 1999
Mountaineering Experience in Each Stage of Adolescent's Outdoor Training Activities
The purpose of this study is to clarify the mountaineering experience in each stage of adolescent`s outdoor training on the basis of phenomenological sociology. In so doing, qualitative methodology was adopted. The participants in this study were 15 adolescents chosen by purposeful sampling, and data were collected by self-initiated tape recording, experiential description and analysis, in-depth interview and participant observation. In the analysis of data, category and typification were formed utilizing the phenomenological consepts of hyle, noema and noeis, which are phenomenological method. The category and typification were explained on the basis of Schutz`s phenomenological sociology. Main Results can be summarized as follows.
Mountaineering experience in each stage is as follows:
Mountaineering preparation stage - In this stage the adolescents participating outdoor mountaineering training typically have expectations and worries. Motive of participation consists of self-denial, enjoyment, hardship, and admiration. Outdoor life have participants share wishes, pride, fellowship, and home-missing.
Mountaineering stage - In this stage, participants experience expectation, nervousness, and determination. Mountaineering experience consists of self-denial, enjoyment, hardship, fidgets, pride, admiration. Outdoor life have participate experience fellowship.
Summit mountaineering, climbing up and down stage - This stage shows the same typification of mountaineering stage. Participants have mountaineering expectation, mountaineering experience and outdoor life. Mountaineering expectation is such as wish and determination. Mountaineering experience is such as nervousness, self-denial, determination, hardship, enjoyment, self-realization, and admiration. Through outdoor life they experience fellowship.
Break in mountaineering stage - In this stage, adolescent`s participants typically experience enjoyment of mountaineering and rest. They feel reminiscence, pride, fellowship, and admiration. Break in mountaineering provide them with freedom and happiness.
Finish of mountaineering stage - In this stage, participants usually experience yearning for home and confusion of mind. They feel wanting, confidence, reminiscence, and fellowship. Coming back home have them feel yearning, strange and uneasy.
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The Purpose of this Study was Ts Self - Efficacy and Stress Coping Behavior of University Athlete. 스포츠사회학 / 대학 운동선수의 자기 효능감과 스트레스 대처행동의 관계
38(4) 130-137, 1999
The Purpose of this Study was Ts Self - Efficacy and Stress Coping Behavior of University Athlete. 스포츠사회학 / 대학 운동선수의 자기 효능감과 스트레스 대처행동의 관계
For accomplishing this purpose of the study, the 240 subjects were selected by the stratified cluster random sampling method from the participants in university athlete located in seoul. the survey question maires were used to collect data. The questionnaire for self-efficacy; one is physical self-efficacy questionnaire developed by Mahoney(1988) and the other is general self-efficacy questionnaire developed by sherer et al. (1982)
and standardized in korea language by so (1996) And the questionnaire for stree coping behavior was The ways of coping Checklist(TWCC) developed by Folkman and Lazarns (1985) and standardized in korean language by Kim and Lee (1985) the statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, standard multiple regression analysis.
From the analysis of this study, the following conclusion were obtained; First, self-efficacy reach befall influence to emotion relief coping.
third, self-efficacy reach befall influence to desire thought coping.
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The Theoretical Issue of Deviance in Sport : The Possibility of Application of Rational Choice Theory 스포츠사회학 / 스포츠 일탈의 이론적 논의:합리적 선택의 적용 가능성
이정래JungLaeLee , 임수원SooWoenLim
38(4) 138-147, 1999
The Theoretical Issue of Deviance in Sport : The Possibility of Application of Rational Choice Theory 스포츠사회학 / 스포츠 일탈의 이론적 논의:합리적 선택의 적용 가능성
이정래JungLaeLee , 임수원SooWoenLim
The purpose of this study was to indicate the incongruity of the Merton`s adaptation model in explaining deviant behavior in sports settings, and to understand deviant behaviors based on deviance theories like Sutherland`s theory of differential association, social control and deterrence perspective and so on.
By appling rational choice theory which is recently raising to sport deviant behaviors, we had a view of it`s possibility. The results were summarized as follows:
First, it was shown that the Merton`s adaptation model has a limitation in regarding deviant behavior in sports in the same light with general social structure.
Second, the Sutherland`s differential association theory is essential in understanding the process and socialization of deviant behaviors in sports, and it suggests the application, and developmental possibility of theory.
Third, social control and deterrence perspective can be a foundation that we learn counteractive action about sport violence among deviant behaviors in sport and justify players` violent behavior.
Fourth, the possibility of application of rational choice theory into deviant behaviors in sports includes a considerable persuasive power in various aspects of negative deviant behaviors, and the necessity of diversified and depth study about that was requested.
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The Relationships between Participation in Sports Activities and Children's Perceived Social Supports
이진갑JinGapLee , 김경임KyoungYimKim , 이종영JongYoungLee
38(4) 148-158, 1999
The Relationships between Participation in Sports Activities and Children's Perceived Social Supports
이진갑JinGapLee , 김경임KyoungYimKim , 이종영JongYoungLee
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between participation in sports activities and children`s perceived social supports. This study based on Coleman and Iso-Ahola(1993)`s `A theoretical model of the relationship between leisure and health`. Many studies have been carried out showing social support have positive impact on reducing stress but only few studies have been done for finding out what conceptual factors induce the social support. Especially, social support experience of childhood is very important to adaptive and socializing abilities maintained throughout their adulthood. In this point, the stress of childhood needs to be studied in more detail.
The sample of the study was selected from 4th, 5th, 6th grades of primary school students residing in Andong city located in Kyeognbuk area of Korea through cluster random sampling method. Sampling of the data was done by extracting randomly one class from each grade from 4 schools with more than 1200 students. 40 students from each class, 120 from each school, altogether 480 students were sampled. Total of 480 questionaries were distributed and 467 questionaries were collected. After inspecting the data, 34 questionnaires were found to be unreliable or irrelevant and were discarded, so 433 questionnaires were analyzed for this study. And Perceived social support scale standardized by Mihyun Han(1996), which was originally developed by Cohen and Hoberman (1983). The statistical methods used for the analysis were Frequencies, One-way ANOVA and Analysis of Covariance.
From above analyses, the following conclusions are obtained.
Firstly, there are differences in children`s perceived social support in relation to socio-demographic variable. The lower the children`s school grade, and the higher their academic record, the more positively children perceive social support.
Secondly, children perceive that participation in sports results in more positive social support from friends and teachers. However, children do not perceive that participation in sports results in more positive social support from family.
Thirdly, the type of sports participation has no influence in children`s perceived social support.
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The Relationship between Sports Participation, Social Support and Health Promoting Lifestyle Practices 스포츠사회학 / 중년기 성인의 스포츠 참가와 사회적지지 및 건강증진 생활양식 실천의 관계
38(4) 159-171, 1999
The Relationship between Sports Participation, Social Support and Health Promoting Lifestyle Practices 스포츠사회학 / 중년기 성인의 스포츠 참가와 사회적지지 및 건강증진 생활양식 실천의 관계
The purpose this study was to investigated the relationship between participation or non in sports, social support and health promoting lifestyle practices. Subjects of this study were middle adulthood(30-50 years old; sports participation=296, non-participation=291) living in Seoul. From the analyses of data, this study reached the following conclusion.
Firstly, by the sports participation or non among middle adulthood, social support are partly different. In detail, tangible sports the higher than non. Secondly, by the sports participation or non among middle adulthood, health promoting lifestyle are partly different. In detail, willedness management, fitness and nutrition management and stress control are participant in sports the higher than non.
Thirdly, social support partially influence on health promoting lifestyle. In detail, the higher the appraisal support, the higher self actualization, fitness and nutrition management and stress control. And the higher belonging support, the higher willedness management, and also the higher self-esteem, the higher five sub-dimension of health promoting lifestyle.
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Attitude of retire and decevelopment of retire preparation for professional soccer players 스포츠사회학 / 프로축구선수들의 은퇴태도 및 은퇴준비 프로그램개발을 위한 연구
38(4) 172-184, 1999
Attitude of retire and decevelopment of retire preparation for professional soccer players 스포츠사회학 / 프로축구선수들의 은퇴태도 및 은퇴준비 프로그램개발을 위한 연구
The aim of the study was to investigate retire attitude and desire of retire preparation for professional soccer players. The subjects of this study is based on 166 players in 10 currently national-soccer teams selected by simple random sampling. 6 out of 10 coaches in all teams permitted our research and I chose 30 players randomly among them. To make the study more accurate, I chose 50 players in 2 teams and tried to find out if questionnaires were suitable and appropriate for the study. I finally made it after correcting and supporting information. Questionnaires consisted of 8 questions about common situation, 29 questions about attitude when retiring and 15 questions about program of preparation of retirement. The data were analyzed by SAS personal computer program. Cross table analysis was used to calculate the frequence and percentage of all variables. Relationships between retire attitude and plan after retire were calculated by correlation analysis. Multiple regression analysis was applied to estimate relative size of predictive capacity of independent variable. The results showed that there was a relatively negative effect on retire attitude. Several factors affecting on retire attitude included life perspective after retire, necessity of retire preparation, live plan after retirement, dislike of exercise. Further, desire of retire preparation was found to be a significant factor. Therefore, this study would suggest that much effect has to be focused on the development of retire program in order to transit with positive cognition that accepts an opportunity beginning new life.
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Effects of Temporal and Spatial Uncertainty of Stimulus on the Information Processing Time 스포츠심리학 / 자극의 시간적·공간적 불확실성이 자극탐지시간에 미치는 영향
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 이효경HyoKyungLee
38(4) 187-194, 1999
Effects of Temporal and Spatial Uncertainty of Stimulus on the Information Processing Time 스포츠심리학 / 자극의 시간적·공간적 불확실성이 자극탐지시간에 미치는 영향
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 이효경HyoKyungLee
The purpose of this study is to investigate how temporal and spatial certainty(or uncertainty) of stimuli, singly or in combination, influence differentially the information processing time. The experiment was conducted under the simple reaction time condition in which one lifts one`s finger as soon as one detects the stimulus presented in the computer monitor. Subjects were tested under four stimulus conditions, i.e., temporal certainty·spatial certainty condition, temporal uncertainty·spatial certainty condition, temporal certainty·spatial uncertainty condition, temporal uncertainty·spatial uncertainty condition with the order of testing completely counterbalanced. For temporal uncertainty, the foreperiod was manipulated to be consistent or varied, while for spatial uncertainty the stimulus was manipulated to be presented on a place consistently or on different places in a randomized order. Forty-eight subjects were tested twenty times in each condition respectively(eighty trials in total), and average reaction time was calculated for each of treatment conditions. Two-way ANOVA with Repeated-Measures on both Factors were carried out to test condition main effects along with interaction effect. Analyses of data suggested statistically significant condition main effects and the interaction effect. In conclusion, it was evidenced that temporal uncertainty with spatial uncertainty, in combination, affected the stimulus identification time significantly more than temporal uncertainty alone.
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The Effect of Sports Activity Involvement on the Emotion and Life Satisfaction for the Old 스포츠심리학 / 노인들의 스포츠 활동 참여가 정서변화와 생활만족에 미치는 영향
김려생YeoSaengKim , 기한준HanJunKi , 박웅식WoongSikPark
38(4) 195-207, 1999
The Effect of Sports Activity Involvement on the Emotion and Life Satisfaction for the Old 스포츠심리학 / 노인들의 스포츠 활동 참여가 정서변화와 생활만족에 미치는 영향
김려생YeoSaengKim , 기한준HanJunKi , 박웅식WoongSikPark
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of sports participation on the emotion and life satisfaction for the old.
In particularly, this study aims to provide empirical data which would contribute to improving the quality of life for the old, based on exploring positive affect, negative affect and life satisfaction as a function of their socio-demographic characteristics and investigating style of sports activity among the elderly. The subjects of were 578 elder who participate and not participate in sports activity. they was selected by stratified cluster random sampling method among the elderly aged 65 or above who dwell in Kwang Ju and chunnam.
The survey instruments of this study were Positive and Negative affect Scales (PANAS) developed by Watson, Clark & Tellgen(1988) and the scale of life satisfaction of the elderly made by Choe-Sung Je(1986).
The results of this study were as the follows:
First, positive and negative affect and life satisfaction of elder who participate and not participate in sports activity were significantly difference Second, positive affect and life satisfaction of elder who participate in sports activity were higher than that of non-participant in sports activity. Third, positive and negative affect and life satisfaction of elder who participate in sports activity were different as a function of style of sports activity such as leisure sports activity, contest sports activity, health sports activity.
In conclusion, participation of sports activity for the old is a strong predictor on the positive affect and life satisfaction, But based on style of sports activity, that is, leisure sports activity.
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The development of coordination patterns in Throwing Task of Elementary School Students 스포츠심리학 / 초등학교 학생들의 던지기 동작 협응형태 변화에 대한 연구
The purpose of this study was to understand the developmental stage of throwing skill and to find the effective information for the learning of throwing skill. It is based on the result of Haywood`s qualitative study, in which the throwing skill was divided into three part motion; thrunk action, arm action, leg action. By using three dimensional motion analysis, we investigated the coordination pattern between body segments in throwing and the difference of coordination over age and gender. These results provided the quantitative information for the developmental characteristic of throwing ability in gender difference, in elementary school students.
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Influnce on Mental Health of University Students by Partipation in Dancesport 스포츠심리학 / 대학생의 댄스스포츠 참여가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
김승철SeungChulKim , 황명자HwangMyung-Ja
38(4) 221-228, 1999
Influnce on Mental Health of University Students by Partipation in Dancesport 스포츠심리학 / 대학생의 댄스스포츠 참여가 정신건강에 미치는 영향
김승철SeungChulKim , 황명자HwangMyung-Ja
This is study is designed to examine the influence on mental health of university students by partipation in dancesport. Dancesport programs were executed two times a week for 14 weeks with 96 students who did not have had experience in dancesport. The results of comparative analysis on the changes of mental health indicators between before partipation of dancesport and after that, are following ;
When dancesport programs was finished, the self-physical estimation and self-esteem indicators as positive ones showed a rise-up in compared with before. The phsicalization, fear complex, anthropophobia, anxiety, hositility, morbid fear, paranoia, mental disorder indicators all as negative ones showed a fall-down in compared with before. The conclusion of this study can be summarized such as that partipation in dancesport effects a good influence on mental health.
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The Effects of Goal Setting according to Skill Level on Basketball Shooting Performance 스포츠심리학 / 기술수준에 따른 목표설정이 농구 슈팅 수행에 미치는 영향
This experiment examined the effects of goal setting according to skill level on basketball shooting performance. Additionally, this experiment investigated the effects of spontaneous goal setting behavior of control group and acceptance or rejection behavior of assigned goal group. Forty participants performed four sets of the basketball shooting task in the goal setting condition or the control ("do your best") condition. Each of the means and the standard deviation of performance score was analyzed by ANOVAs and post-hoc tests (LDS) in order to investigate the effects of goal setting. The results of this experiment showed that the assigned goal group was performed more effectively than the control group in spite of different skill level on basketball shooting task. It also showed that participants with rejection was significantly (p<.05) superior to participants with acceptance on the assigned goal group of high skill level, and the participants with spontaneous goal setting was significantly (p<.05) superior to participants with no goal setting on control group of low skill level.
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Differences in muscle activation patterns as a function of the way to manipulate index of difficulty 스포츠심리학 / 난이도지수의 조작방식에 따른 근육활동유형의 차이
박상범SangBumPark , 여윤기YungHiYeo , 김미현MiHyunKim
38(4) 238-248, 1999
Differences in muscle activation patterns as a function of the way to manipulate index of difficulty 스포츠심리학 / 난이도지수의 조작방식에 따른 근육활동유형의 차이
박상범SangBumPark , 여윤기YungHiYeo , 김미현MiHyunKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in muscle activation patterns as a function of the way to manipulate index of difficulty(ID) by analyzing the intensity and ratio of agonist and antagonist muscle activities emerged during rapid single-joint movements in various target size and movement distance conditions. Nine subjects performed elbow extension movements toward a spatial target in two task conditions: target size and movement distance. IDs of two task conditions were kept constant by modulating target size and movement distance in the target size condition and movement distance condition respectively. For each movement, peak elbow angle, movement time, and the intensity and ratio of preprogrammed and on-line modulated muscle activities were calculated. The movement time was shown to increase with ID in both task conditions, although the amount of change was larger in the distance condition. The intensity of antagonist muscle activity measured from 30ms after movement onset to the time the elbow reached peak angle was shown to increase with ID in the distance condition, whereas it was found to decrease with ID in the target size condition. Also, while the ratio of on-line modulated agonist activity to antagonist activity increased with ID in the distance condition, it was not different between IDs in the target size condition. These results suggest that the ID of movements imposes different constraints on the movement control process according to the way it is manipulated. While the control system satisfies the task requirements by reducing the intensity of agonist and antagonist activities when ID increases by a decrease in target size, it achieves the movement goal by increasing the agonist muscle activity when ID increases by an increase in movement distance. Therefore, rather than an absolute principle for the relationship between ID and movement time, Fitts` law can be considered as an equation on the relationship between motor output and task situation which is secondary to the effect on the programming of motor commands of the task difficulty perceived by performer on the basis of knowledge about intended movement amplitude and tolerated variability in movement end-point.
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Effects of the Combination of Target Size and Movement Distance on the Modulation of Pulse intensity during Rapid Single-joint Movements 스포츠심리학 / 신속한 단일관절 운동시 목표크기와 동작거리의 조합이 신경충격의 강도조절에 미치는 영향
박상범SangBumPark , 이순천SoonCheonLee
38(4) 249-259, 1999
Effects of the Combination of Target Size and Movement Distance on the Modulation of Pulse intensity during Rapid Single-joint Movements 스포츠심리학 / 신속한 단일관절 운동시 목표크기와 동작거리의 조합이 신경충격의 강도조절에 미치는 영향
박상범SangBumPark , 이순천SoonCheonLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of task difficulty on the selection of control strategy and modulation of pulse intensity by analyzing agonist and antagonist muscle activation patterns emerged during horizontal elbow extension movements of various distances toward spatial targets of different sizes. Nine subjects participated in the experiment and performed elbow extension movements of four amplitudes(20°, 40°, 60°, 80°) in two index of difficulty(ID) conditions. While ID was kept constant at 3.32 bits in the constant ID condition by increasing target size with movement distance, it increased with movement distance in the varying ID condition by keeping target size constant at 4°. For each movement, angular displacements of the elbow joint, and EMG activities of agonist and antagonist muscles were measured, from which peak elbow angle, movement time, and intensities of the preprogrammed and on-line modulated muscle activities were calculated. The intensity of preprogrammed agonist activity was shown to be affected by the ID conditions. While it was shown to increase with movement distance in the constant ID condition, being higher in movements of 40°, 60°, and 80° than that for 20° movement, it was found to decrease with movement distance when it became longer than 40° in the varying ID condition. The intensity of on-line modulated agonist activity was shown to increase with movement distance in both ID conditions. These results suggest that the pulse intensity programmed for a required movement is modulated by the interaction between movement distance and target size. During movements of various distances, the way to modulate target size imposes unique constraints on control process, and the control system should consider the range of variability allowed for movement end-points as well as the amplitude of required movement. In conclusion, the intensity of initial agonist burst that emerge during rapid goal-directed movements does not seem to be determined by the intended movement speed but by perceived difficulty of a task which is either explicitly defined by task instruction or implicitly determined by movement distance and target size.
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The effect of anxiety on tennis performance: multidimensional anxiety theory versus Catastrophe Model 스포츠심리학 / 불안이 테니스 수행에 미치는 효과: 다차원적 불안이론과 카타스트로피 모델 검증
유진YooJin , 박성제ParkSung-Je
38(4) 260-270, 1999
The effect of anxiety on tennis performance: multidimensional anxiety theory versus Catastrophe Model 스포츠심리학 / 불안이 테니스 수행에 미치는 효과: 다차원적 불안이론과 카타스트로피 모델 검증
유진YooJin , 박성제ParkSung-Je
The multidimensional anxiety theory predicts a linear and negative relationship between cognitive anxiety and performance, while the catastrophe model proposes that when somatic anxiety is high, increase in cognitive anxiety have a facilitating effect on performance. This study tested these contradictory prediction with 72 college students attending tennis skill classes. They completed the Korean version of CSAI-2 to measure their somatic anxiety responses just before tennis skill performance (forehand-stroke) over three times. A significant cognitive × somatic interaction was emerged by moderated hierarchical regression analyses, indicating a negative relationship between cognitive anxiety and tennis performance when somatic anxiety was low. Furthermore, negative relationships were found between anxiety responses(cognitive and somatic) and tennis performance. Thus, this study did not support the prediction of the catastrophe model as well as the multidimensional anxiety theory.
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The Relationships between Physical education majors students's and General students's Creativity. 스포츠심리학 / 체육 전공학생들과 일반 전공학생들과의 창의성 관계
38(4) 271-279, 1999
The Relationships between Physical education majors students's and General students's Creativity. 스포츠심리학 / 체육 전공학생들과 일반 전공학생들과의 창의성 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigated the relationships between physical education majors students`s and general students`s creativity.
Subject for this study by using cluster random sampling method consisted of university students in Seoul, Kyunggido.
By using self-administration method, 250 male students, 174 female students, total 424 students were used for data analysis.
Results obtained firm this research are as follows:
1. According to the majar in at the university, a creativity shows differences.
2. According to the majar in at the university, an analysis shows differences.
3. According to the majar in at the university, durability shows differences.
4. According to the majar in at the university, a cooperation shows differences.
5. According to the majar in at the university, a progressive spirit show differences.
6. According to the majar in at the university, an imagination shows differences.
7. According to the majar in at the university, a softness shows differences.
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The Dependence of effect on cause among Self - Efficacy, Stress, and Self - Actualization of Adolescent's Martial Arts Participants 스포츠심리학 / 청소년의 무도수련과 자아효능감, 스트레스 및 자아실현의 인과관계 탐색
전병관ByungKwyunChun , 김홍석HongSeokKim
38(4) 280-294, 1999
The Dependence of effect on cause among Self - Efficacy, Stress, and Self - Actualization of Adolescent's Martial Arts Participants 스포츠심리학 / 청소년의 무도수련과 자아효능감, 스트레스 및 자아실현의 인과관계 탐색
전병관ByungKwyunChun , 김홍석HongSeokKim
This study based on the previous studies which constructed a relational model by study on the relationship adolescent`s martial arts participation, self-actualization self-efficacy, and stress has examined the relationship among self-efficacy, stress, self-actualization in adolescent`s martial arts participation.
The purpose of this study was to investigated the dependence of effect on cause among adolescent`s, degree of martial arts participation, self-efficacy, stress and self-actualization.
Subject for this study by using cluster random sampling method consisted of middle-high school students who are a total of 1000 residents of Seoul, Kyunggido.
By using self-administration method, 910 of 1000 residents were used for data analysis.
Intermediated variables influencing on self-actualization were self-efficacy and stress.
The methods of analyzing the collected data by using self-recording method were, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis.
Results obtained from this research are as follows:
1. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=.086), self-efficacy(β=.261***), stress(β=.-378***), and self-actualization. But degree of martial arts participation has a indirect effect on self-actualization.
2. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=-.082), self-efficacy(β=.203***), stress(β=-.344***), and self-actualizing values.
3. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=.026), self-efficacy(β=.225***), stress(β=.017***), and feeling reactivity.
4. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=-.032), self-efficacy(β=.202***), stress(β=.371***), and self regard.
5. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=-.048), self-efficacy(β=.121***), stress(β=-.218***), and nature of man constructive.
6. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=-.008), self-efficacy(β=.249***), stress(β=-.237***), and spontanceity.
7. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=.026), self-efficacy(β=.163***), stress(β=-.322***), and capacity for intimate contact.
8. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=-.039), self-efficacy(β=.178***), stress(β=-.168***), and existentiality.
9. There is Dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation(β=-.012), self-efficacy(β=.215***), stress(β=-.159***), and self acceptance.
There is dependence of effect on cause among degree of martial arts participation, self-efficacy, stress, and self-actualization.
The elevation of self-efficacy and the decrease of stress contribute to increasing adolescent`s self-actualization.
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The Effect of Mental Training by DAN-JEON Respiration Training on the Body Temperature Changes and Athletic Performance Factors 스포츠심리학 / 정신훈련이 신체의 온도 변화 및 운동발현에 미치는 영향
38(4) 295-307, 1999
The Effect of Mental Training by DAN-JEON Respiration Training on the Body Temperature Changes and Athletic Performance Factors 스포츠심리학 / 정신훈련이 신체의 온도 변화 및 운동발현에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect that was influenced to body temperature changes and athletic performance factors by Kuk Sun Do Dan-Jeon breathing training. Subjects were 5 males who were training of Dan-jeon Respiration.
The main findings of this study were as follows.
1. There were significant(P<0.001, 0.01, 0.05) mean difference in the DITI before and after Dan-jeon respiraton training.
2. mere was significant(P<0.01) mean difference in the systolic blood pressure between before and after Dan-jeon respiraton training, however in the diastolic blood pressure was not significant mean difference between before and after ones.
3. There was significant(P<0.05) mean difference in the heart rate between before and after Dan-jeon respiraton training.
4. There were not significant mean difference in the shot-put and the standing long jump.
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The effect of Protein Supplement on Body Composition, Muscular Circumference & Strength 스포츠생리학 / 단백보충제 섭취가 신체구성, 근위 및 근력에 미치는 영향
고윤석YunSukKoh , 이은송YoenSongLee , 노성규SungKyuRoh
38(4) 311-321, 1999
The effect of Protein Supplement on Body Composition, Muscular Circumference & Strength 스포츠생리학 / 단백보충제 섭취가 신체구성, 근위 및 근력에 미치는 영향
고윤석YunSukKoh , 이은송YoenSongLee , 노성규SungKyuRoh
This study was performed to prove the effect of protein supplement on body compositions, muscular circumferences and strengths in the different exercise types, aerobic and anaerobic. The subjects of aerobic exercise type was consisted of 10 long-distance swimmers and divided into 5 experimental and 5 control subjects. The anaerobic exercise group was consisted of 10 weight lifters(5 experimental and 5 control subjects). In this study all subjects kept dietary through school feeding and the experimental subjects of each exercise type took in Protein Supplement(Power Amino 80) at 2.0g per weight(㎏) three times a day for 8 weeks. And then the results of this study was as follows;
1. In both exercise types, aerobic and anaerobic, showed no significant statistical differences on Weight and Total Body Water(TBW), but Body Fat(Fat%) showed significant difference in the anaerobic exercise type. Although Lean body mass(LBM) showed no statistical differences in both groups, both experimental groups more increased than control groups.
2. The circumference of upper arm increased significantly in experimental group of aerobic exercise type, but there were no significant statistical differences on circumferences of chest, upper leg, and lower leg.
3. There was significant statistical difference on leg strength in the anaerobic exercise group, but not the aerobic exercise group. In the anaerobic exercise group back strength was not showed certain statistic difference, the aerobic exercise group, however, showing significant increase. After the result of Post-hoc, back strength in the aerobic exercise group was showed significant differences between pre and post tests as well. In both exercise groups grip strength was showed significant statistical differences.
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The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on the Blood Lipid Profiles. 스포츠생리학 / 운동강도별 혈중지질 및 지단백 콜레스테롤의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobic exercise intensity on the blood lipid profiles. Thirteen students from C university participated in this study. Exercise intensity for this experiment was selected 50% and 75% of each subject`s V˙O₂max. Total exercise time was about 30 minutes. Measurement items were made of total cholesterol(T-CHL), HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride(TG). We have observed the following results.
1. The concentration of total cholesterol in 1h and 2h after exercise significantly decreased than that of total cholesterol before exercise
2. There were significantly different in the concentration of triglyceride(TG) between exercise intensities and among recovery times. it means that the concentration of TG in 1h and 2h after exercise significantly decreased than that of TG before exercise
3. There were insignificantly different in the concentration HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol between exercise intensities and among recovery times.
Therefore, the results suggested that low-intensity aerobic exercise had the positive effects on the blood lipid profiles of young men.
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Effect of Treadmill Exercise Programs on Cardiopulmonary Functions and Blood Component in Adult Obesity 스포츠생리학 / 트레드밀 운동프로그램이 비만자의 심폐기능 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
김영일YoungIlKim , 김창규ChangKewKim , 황수관SooKwanHwang
38(4) 331-343, 1999
Effect of Treadmill Exercise Programs on Cardiopulmonary Functions and Blood Component in Adult Obesity 스포츠생리학 / 트레드밀 운동프로그램이 비만자의 심폐기능 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
김영일YoungIlKim , 김창규ChangKewKim , 황수관SooKwanHwang
The purpose of study was to investigate the effect of treadmill exercise programs on cardiopulmonary functions and serum lipids, blood volume in adult obesity man.
The subjects consisted of 10 obese adults between 32 to 59 years old and all of them had no other complications. Subjects participated in treadmill exercise programs for 12 weeks according to the exercise prescriptions. They started to exercise for 20 minutes per day, six times a week at 50% of maximum O₂ consumption(V˙O₂), and later exercised for 50 minutes at 80% of V˙O₂max which was the maximum exercise intensity of the programs(Exercise intensity has been increased gradually). The results were compared according to before, after and all the subjects.
1. Body weight fat was not significant reduced, percent body fat was significantly decreased(p<.05) after exercise programs.
2. Forced expiratory volume for 1 second percent and maximal voluntary ventilation were significantly increased(p<.05, p<.01), Vital capacity increased after exercise programs.
3. Total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol rate and triglycerides were significantly reduced(p<.05, p<.01), and HDL cholesterol levels increased after exercise programs. also, blood volume(WBC, RBC, Hgb, Hct) not significantly increased after exercise programs.
4. Systolic blood pressure were significantly decreased(p<.05) during exercise between 5-7 minute, resting diastolic blood pressure were significantly decreased(p<.05) after exercise programs.
5. Heart rate were significantly decreased(p<.05) during exercise between 5-7 minute after exercise programs.
6. Oxygen uptake were significantly increased(p<.05) during exercise 9 minute after exercise programs.
In this study, the treadmill exercise programs suitable for the obese was developed and applying this programs weight, percent body fat and serum lipid levels were reduced. thus cardiopulmonary functions were improved.
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The Effects of Chronic Exercise Training on The Concentration of Calcium and The Bone Mineral Density 스포츠생리학 / 장기간의 훈련이 칼슘 및 골밀도에 미치는 영향
김영준YoungJunKim , 박태열TaeYeolPark , 이윤관YoonKwanLee
38(4) 344-350, 1999
The Effects of Chronic Exercise Training on The Concentration of Calcium and The Bone Mineral Density 스포츠생리학 / 장기간의 훈련이 칼슘 및 골밀도에 미치는 영향
김영준YoungJunKim , 박태열TaeYeolPark , 이윤관YoonKwanLee
The purpose of this study was evaluated the relationship for calcium, lumbar and femoral bone mineral density as aerobic or swimming exercise in the middle age women. Bone mineral density was measured by dual energy x-ray absorptionmetry(DEXA, lunar radiation corp, madison, wisconsin, U.S.A). In both of groups the BMD measurement items were lumber1, lumber2, lumber3, lumber4, ward` triangle, trochanteric and femoral neck.
The results of the study are as follows;
1. The bone mineral density in both of group was non-significantly increased lumbar than pre exrecise to do.
2. The femoral bone mineral density in both of group was non-significantly increased lumbar than pre-exercise to do.
3. The calcium concentration in Both of group was significantly increased than pre exercise.
Consequently, aerobic dance may be influence, if than aerobic exercise high intensity, period and frequency for what Bone Mineral Density.
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Relationship of Physical Activity, Physique, Age, Menarche, Postmenopausal Women 스포츠생리학 / 폐경기 여성의 신체활동, 체격, 연령, 초경 및 폐경시기가 대퇴골밀도에 미치는 영향
38(4) 351-359, 1999
Relationship of Physical Activity, Physique, Age, Menarche, Postmenopausal Women 스포츠생리학 / 폐경기 여성의 신체활동, 체격, 연령, 초경 및 폐경시기가 대퇴골밀도에 미치는 영향
The relationship between physical activity, physique, ague, menarche, postmenopausal, femur trochanter bone density was studied in 16 health, postmenopausal women. Femur neck and femur trochanter bone density were measured with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA).
Femur neck bone density was significantly correlated ague as well as height, weight, menarche, physical activity and exercise career.
The calculated contributions of weight, age, physical activity for the total variances femur neck bone density was 91.14% respectively.
Femur trochanter bone density was significantly correlated weight as well as age, height, physical activity and exercise career.
The calculated contributions of weight, height, age, physical activity for the total variances femur tronchanter bone density was 94.28% respectively.
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A Study on Cardiorespiratory Function of Students with Mental Retardation 스포츠생리학 / 정신지체학생의 심폐기능에 관한 연구
김학균KwakKyunKim , 김광호KwangHoKim
38(4) 360-369, 1999
A Study on Cardiorespiratory Function of Students with Mental Retardation 스포츠생리학 / 정신지체학생의 심폐기능에 관한 연구
김학균KwakKyunKim , 김광호KwangHoKim
The purpose of this study was to compare the cardiovascular function between TMR and EMR group and to provide educational materials, compared to the physical fitness level of students without disabilities. The subjects consisted of 20 EMRs, 20 TMRs, and 20 students of without disabilities in Seoul Korea. The modified Balke/Ware treadmill test is a V O₂ predictor specific to stationary, uphill walking. The testing protocol involved maintaining a constant speed of 3.4mph while increasing the grade from a horizontal degree at the first minute to one degree each subsequent minute until the subject`s limit was voluntarily reached. The variables are HR, O₂pulse, V E, V O₂, V O₂/㎏, R that were measured in every 20 seconds from Sensor Medics 2900 System. SPSS/WIN package was used to analyze the data of this study. Mean and S.D were provided in t-test and ANOVA with .05 significance level. The results of this study were as follows. First, there were no significant difference in HR, O₂pulse, V E, V O₂, V O₂/㎏, R between students with MR and students without disabilities during rest state, but there were significant difference in HR, O₂pulse, V E, V O₂, V O₂/㎏, R between students with MR and students without disabilities during maximal exercise. Second, there were no significant difference in HR, O₂pulse, V E, V O₂, V O₂/㎏, R among EMR group, TMR group, and students without disabilities group during rest state. Third, there were significant difference in HR, O₂pulse, V E, V O₂, V O₂/㎏, R between students with TMR and students without disabilities during maximal exercise. Fourth, there were significant difference in HR, V O₂, V O₂/㎏, R between students with EMR and students without disabilities during maximal exercise. Fifth, there were no significant difference in HR, O₂pulse, V E, V O₂, V O₂/㎏, R between students with EMR, and students with TMR group during during maximal exercise.
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The Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Red Panax Ginseng Oral Administrationon the Immunoglobulins in Diabetics 스포츠생리학 / 유산소성운동과 홍삼투여가 당뇨병환자의 Immunoglobulins에 미치는 영향
38(4) 370-386, 1999
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Red Panax Ginseng Oral Administrationon the Immunoglobulins in Diabetics 스포츠생리학 / 유산소성운동과 홍삼투여가 당뇨병환자의 Immunoglobulins에 미치는 영향
This study aims to analyze the changes of immunoglobulins through aerobic exercise training and panax ginseng in diabetics.
The subjects of this study were selected among the non-insulin-dependent man diabetics, and divided into control group(N=6), exercise group(N=6), exercise and ginseng oral administration group(N=6), a total 18 members. The subject were volunteers who agreed with intention of this researcher and were willing to take part in this study.
The subjects performed aerobic exercise training program with intensity of 50-70% of their surveyed HRmax and stretching, calisthenics, and practiced training for 12 week to bicycle ergometer.
The result was as follows:
1. The result of t-test among groups.
control group, exercise group, exercise and ginseng oral administration group did not statistically show significant difference in each item. but, exercise group and exercise & ginseng oral administration group show a slight incrase.
2. The result of ANOVA on difference among group.
1) The change of IgA : control group(0.833), exercise group(-3.666), exercise and oral administration group(-3.000) did not statistically show significant difference in each group.
2) The change of IgG : control group(-6.167), exercise group(31.833), exercise and ginseng oral administration group(40.666) did not statistically show significant difference in each group.
3) The change of IgM : control group(1.667), exercise group(3.830), exercise and ginseng oral administration group(21.333) did not statistically show significant difference in each group.
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The Effect of Antioxidants Supplementation on Cell Membrane Damage Index ( LDH , MDA ) and Anti - Inflammatory Immunity Reaction Substance ( IL-1 , IL-2 ) in Middle·Long Distance Runners of Track and Field 스포츠생리학 / 육상 중·장거리 선수들에 대한 항산화물 복합 투여가 생체막 손상지표 및 항염증성 면역반응물질에 미치는 영향
38(4) 387-400, 1999
The Effect of Antioxidants Supplementation on Cell Membrane Damage Index ( LDH , MDA ) and Anti - Inflammatory Immunity Reaction Substance ( IL-1 , IL-2 ) in Middle·Long Distance Runners of Track and Field 스포츠생리학 / 육상 중·장거리 선수들에 대한 항산화물 복합 투여가 생체막 손상지표 및 항염증성 면역반응물질에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effect of antioxidants supplementation on cell membrane damage index(LDH, MDA) and anti-inflammatory immunity reaction substance(IL-1, IL-2) in middle·long distance runners of track and field. Subjects of present study were twelve and divided into two group. One of them was an antioxidants supplementation group(EG : n=6) who was ingested Vitamin E(671.14㎎), SOD(408㎎) every day for 12 weeks. The other(CG : n=6) of them was not ingested any antioxidants during the same period.
All subjects were participated in the Modified Bruce Protocol that was consisted of 6min in each phase. Blood was sampled at rest, all-out, recovery, 30min, recovery 60min.
The results were as follows:
1. There was significant cell membrane damage immediately after all-out, but such phenomenon was recovered at recovery 30min.
2. There was no defence effect of antioxidants supplementation on cell membrane damage.
3. The antioxidants supplementation induced an sensitive response of IL-2 about cell membrane inflammation.
In summary, middle·long distance runners of track and field was damaged cell membrane by an exhaustive endurance exercise, but such damage was recovered at recovery 30min. This reflects the fact that middle·long distance runners of track and field has an excellent recovery ability from cell membrane damage by an exhaustive endurance exercise. And antioxidants supplementation has not defence effect for cell membrane damage.
The immunity of middle·long-distance runners of track and field was not affected harmfully by an exhaustive endurance exercise. The antioxidants supplementation induced an sensitive response of IL-2 about cell membrane inflammation. These results suggest that the subjects who have taking part in an exhaustive endurance exercise for a long period need to supplement antioxidants.
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A Study of Optimal Design for Sweet Spot of Golf Club 스포츠생리학 / 회복기 골프클럽 안정타점 영역 확장에 관한 연구
38(4) 401-409, 1999
A Study of Optimal Design for Sweet Spot of Golf Club 스포츠생리학 / 회복기 골프클럽 안정타점 영역 확장에 관한 연구
Golf club experiences vibration when it impacts golf balls. Reducing the vibration in the grip part of golf clubs is important in easier control and extended sweet spot. To reduce the vibration, Designers should consider dynamic characteristics as well as static strength In this study the sweet spot is defined by the magnitude of the twisting mount at the grip part The modal parameters found by both the transfer matrix method and experimental modal analysis applied to an real golf club are used to predict the sweet spot. This approach is utilized to extend the sweet spot.
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Coactivation of The Flexor Muscles as A Synergist with The Extensors during Ballistic Finger Extension Movement in humans
Jeong Beom Lee , Ki Soo Choi , Kyoo Tae Yoo
38(4) 410-419, 1999
Coactivation of The Flexor Muscles as A Synergist with The Extensors during Ballistic Finger Extension Movement in humans
Jeong Beom Lee , Ki Soo Choi , Kyoo Tae Yoo
To analyse the effects of ballistic property training on ballistic finger extension movement, surface EMGs of the finger extensor and flexor muscles and an acceleration signal of the middle finger were recorded in trained kendo and karate athletes, and sedentary non-athletic men. Ballistic finger extension did not show the characteristic triphasic EMG pattern reported in single joint, but a coactivation of flexor and extensor muscles. Reaction time(RT) in kendo(143±12 msec) and karate(146±11 msec) athletes were significantly shorter than that in the control (176±12 msec). The shortenings of the RT were attributed to both the shortenings of premotor time and motor time. The delay of the flexor muscles discharge after those of the extensors in kendo(0.8±7.0 msec) and karate(-0.2±5.0 msec) athletes was significantly shorter than in control (12.7 ±5.6 msec). These results suggest that the RT is shortened through motor learning in the kendo and karate athletes who trained for momentary movements and that the flexor muscles may play an important role as a synergist in heightening the efficiency of ballistic finger extension in coordination with the extensor muscles.
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The Hormonal Response in Rest, Incremental Maximal Exercise and Recovery Phase 스포츠생리학 / 대학육상선수들의 안정시, 운동중 및 휴식기에 나타나는 호르몬 반응
38(4) 420-430, 1999
The Hormonal Response in Rest, Incremental Maximal Exercise and Recovery Phase 스포츠생리학 / 대학육상선수들의 안정시, 운동중 및 휴식기에 나타나는 호르몬 반응
The purpose of this study was to observe the hormonal responses of sprinters, marathoners and non-athletes in rest, exercise and recovery phase.
The subjects selected for the experiment were composed of healthy 24male university students(8 sprinters, 8 marathoners, 8 non-athletes). I have concluded as follows;
1. All their blood epinephrine concentration increased significantly more after 12minute during graded maximal exercise(P<0.05) than at rest.
The group of sprinters showed the significantly higher level of blood epinephrine concentration at 12 and 16 minutes(P<0.05) than the other two groups. All the three groups assumed the aspect that their blood norepinephrine concentration and ACTH concentration increased significantly more after 12 minutes during graded maximal exercise(P<0.05) than at rest.
2. All the three group assumed the aspect that their blood cortisol concentration increased significantly more after 12 minute during graded maximal exercise(P<0.05) than at rest.
The group of non-athletes had the high tendency toward their aspect of increase in blood cortisol concentration and showed the significantly higher level of blood cortisol concentration at 12 and 16 minutes during exercise(P<0.05) than the other two groups.
3. All the three groups assumed the aspect that their blood insulin concentration increased significantly more after 12 minute during graded maximal exercise(P<0.05) than at rest. The group of non-athletes had the tendency toward this aspect of increase in blood insulin concentration and showed the significantly lower level of blood insulin concentration at 12 and 16 minutes during exercise(P<0.05) than the other two groups.
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Relationship between BMD and LBM in Sedentary Students and Elite Middle Distance Runners 스포츠생리학 / 엘리트 중거리 육상선수와 일반학생들 사이에 골밀도와 제지방 체중과의 관련성
정연수YounSooJung , RobertA.Wiswell , SteveA.Hawkins
38(4) 431-439, 1999
Relationship between BMD and LBM in Sedentary Students and Elite Middle Distance Runners 스포츠생리학 / 엘리트 중거리 육상선수와 일반학생들 사이에 골밀도와 제지방 체중과의 관련성
정연수YounSooJung , RobertA.Wiswell , SteveA.Hawkins
A total of sixteen male subjects were recruited to participate in this study. The sample groups were made of up eleven sedentary college students (25.45±2.16yr) and five well-trained elite middle distance runners (24.00±1.87yr). The bone mineral density (BMD), content (BMC), and percentage of body fat were measured using the Hologic QDR 1500 dual energy x-ray absorptiometer (DEXA). Statistical significance was established at the p<.05 level. Height (t=-2.80, p<.05) and % body fat (t=5.61, p<.001) was significantly different between groups. Weight (t=.30, NS), LBM (t=-1.79, NS), and hip axis length (t=.62, NS) was not different between the runners and sedentary students. With regard to the bone parameters, whole body BMD (t=-1.06, NS) and BMC (t=-.82, NS), whole body BMD/height (t=-.07, NS), BMD/weight (t=-.62, NS), BMD/LBM (t=1.57, NS) and lumbar spine density (L1-L4) (t=-.38, NS) were similar between groups. For the hip, femoral neck, inter-trochanter and Wards triangle were not different. The greater trochanter BMD (t=-2.42, p<.05) was significantly higher in the middle distance runners. Using height and percentage fat as co-variates in an ANCOVA analysis demonstrated that BMD between runners and sedentary controls were not significantly differences(p=.135). The results for the whole group indicate a significant relationship existed between whole body BMD and weight (r=.529, p<.05), for lumbar spine BMD and weight (r=.512, p<.05), and for lumbar spine BMD and LBM (r=.602, p<.05). The relationship between hip BMD and weight (r=.255, NS) was not significant while hip BMD and LBM (r=.575, p<.05) were related.
Based upon these results we conclude that high intensity/high speed running does not lead to significantly greater bone mass. The primary factor in determining BMD was body size (weight and LBM). The fact that one hip site (greater trochanter) was of greater density in the athletes may suggest a site specific effect of running. Future studies with larger sample size and a wider variety of running distances is needed.
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The Effects of Obesity Treatment Programs on Body Composition, Blood Lipids Profile and Aerobic Capacity in Obese Middle Aged Women 스포츠생리학 / 비만 처치 프로그램이 비만 중년여성의 신체구성, 혈중지질, 유산소성 능력에 미치는 영향
정제순JaeSoonJoung , 김광래KwangLaeKim
38(4) 440-450, 1999
The Effects of Obesity Treatment Programs on Body Composition, Blood Lipids Profile and Aerobic Capacity in Obese Middle Aged Women 스포츠생리학 / 비만 처치 프로그램이 비만 중년여성의 신체구성, 혈중지질, 유산소성 능력에 미치는 영향
정제순JaeSoonJoung , 김광래KwangLaeKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the exercise and low-calorie diet combined with behavioral modification on the changes of the body composition, blood lipids profile, and aerobic capacity in obese middle aged women through during 12weeks. The subjects were selected with 13 females over 30% body fat without risk factor during training.
The results of the study were as follows;
1. The changes of body composition was significant decreased in body weight, %body fat, BMI(p<.001).
2. TC, TG, LDL-C, TC/HDL-C was decreased and HDL-C, HDL-C/LDL-C was increased in the changes of blood lipids profile, but there was no significant differences.
3. The changes of aerobic capacity was significant increased in VO₂max and exercise test duration(P<.05, p<.01).
The results suggests that exercise and low-calorie diet combined with behavioral modification could change a body composition and aerobic capacity in obese middle aged women through during 12 weeks. The effects of the program of obesity treatment proposed in this study was appeared positively, but there was no significant difference in blood lipid profile. Thus, the study of blood lipids level suggests that there is a more clear effects of exercise, if increased exercise period and intensity through subjects improved aerobic capacity.
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The Effect Of Exercise Pattern And Antioxidant Supplement On Antioxidant Enzymes And Total Antioxidant Status 스포츠생리학 / 운동양식과 항산화비타민의 보충이 항산화효소 및 총항산화능에 미치는 영향
The Effect Of Exercise Pattern And Antioxidant Supplement On Antioxidant Enzymes And Total Antioxidant Status 스포츠생리학 / 운동양식과 항산화비타민의 보충이 항산화효소 및 총항산화능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise pattern and antioxidant-vitamins supplementation on exercise-induced response of antioxidant enzymes(SOD, GPX, GRD) and total antioxidant status in human blood.
Six healthy graduate students(M, 27.0±3.4 yr) participated in exercise sessions. No subjects had medical problems and they were not taking any medications during the test. All subjects were participated in four exercise sessions on a treadmill; an initial maximal incremental exercise test for determination of anaerobic threshold, and two subsequent bouts that subjects exercise for 40min at 80%-AT level and the same amount(301.3±20.5 Kcal) of exercise at 110%-AT level. After 5 week ofantioxidant-vitamins supplementation(VE-800 IU/d; VC-1000 ㎎/d), they participated in exercise sessions which included treadmill running at the 110% AT level, until each subject reached to target exercise volume. Venous blood samples were drown from the forearm antecubital vein at rest, immediately after exercise, and 30min/90min recovery periods(15㎖ each). The blood samples were stored at -4℃ and carried to laboratory immediately for analysis.
The results of this study can be summarized as follows:
1) There was significant difference between resting and 30 minute recovery time on SOD activity after 110% AT level exercise while no significant changes occurred after 80% AT level exercise.
2) There were no significant differences among the sampling periods in GPX and GRD after 80% and 110% AT level exercise
3) The data showed that TAS was decreased at all recovery times after 110% AT level exercise.
4) antioxidant-vitamins supplementation seemed to increase TAS immediately after the exercise.
In conclusion, this study represented that there were significant decreases in SOD and TAS only after exercise at above AT level. Although the exericse in below AT level worked as a oxidative stress on human body, no significant effects was shown in all the parameters. Also, antioxidant-vitamins supplementation didn`t change the SOD activity but increased total antioxidant status. Therefore, AT level is potent factor to reduce oxidative stress during exercise. Also, pre-existed antioxidant-vitamins as long as 5-wks treatment may, in part, stabilize antioxidant system from various oxidative stress produced by strenuous exercise.
Key Words
AT level, Antioxidnat vitamins, SOD, GPX, GRD, TAS
Relationships of Cardiopulmonary Fitness, Body Fat, Blood Lipids, and Blood Pressure in Inactive Middle-Aged Men 스포츠생리학 / 비활동적 중년 남성의 심폐지구력, 체지방, 혈중지질, 혈압 사이의 관계
38(4) 461-470, 1999
Relationships of Cardiopulmonary Fitness, Body Fat, Blood Lipids, and Blood Pressure in Inactive Middle-Aged Men 스포츠생리학 / 비활동적 중년 남성의 심폐지구력, 체지방, 혈중지질, 혈압 사이의 관계
This study examined the relationships of cardiopulmonary fitness, body fat, blood lipids, and blood pressure in inactive middle-aged men.
The subjects of this study were forty seven males with age ranged 50-59(53.7±2.7yrs). Variables of cardiopulmonary fitness were VOmax, VEmax, HRmax, VO₂VT, and aerobic exercise duration. The %body fat was calculated from skinfolds thickness of chest, abdomen, and thigh. Blood variables were serum TC, TG, and HDL-C. Blood pressure was determined by SBP and DBP.
The results were as follows:
1. The serum triglyceride affected an aerobic exercise duration and maximal ventilation(p<.05). But, no significant correlations between VO₂max and blood lipids, and between HRmax and blood lipids.
2. The body fat was significantly correlated among VO₂max, VO₂VT, and aerobic exercise durations(p<.01).
3. Blood pressure was not significantly correlated with body fat, serum lipids, and cardiopulmonary fitness.
In summary, some relationships among blood lipids, blood pressure, cardiopulmonary fitness, and body fat were found. However, no consistent relationships were existed between variables. Therefore, risk factors of cardiovascular diseases may be affected by various elements such as exercise habits, diet patterns, smoking status, age, gender, and genetics.
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The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Composition in Normal Weighter And Obese High School Girls 스포츠생리학 / 유산소성 운동이 정상체중과 비만여고생의 신체조성에 미치는 영향
38(4) 471-481, 1999
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Composition in Normal Weighter And Obese High School Girls 스포츠생리학 / 유산소성 운동이 정상체중과 비만여고생의 신체조성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic exercise training on the body composition in normal weitgher and obese high school girls.
Sixteen subjects were divided into 2 groups : (a) normal group(BMI : 22-24㎏/m2) and (2) obese group(BMI : ≤27㎏/m2). They were under the same exercise conditions to perform the aerobic exercise training with intensity of 60∼85% HRmax and 13∼15 RPE, for 60min/day, 4 times/week during 12 weeks.
The conclusion of this study follows as below:
Among the elements of body composition before and after the aerobic exercise body water and LBM showed non significant difference, but body fat and weight decreased significantly in both groups. In the comparison within group, body water and LBM of both groups increased significantly but body fat and weight decreased significantly.
The results of this study indicate that both groups did show particular difference in their body composition. The aerobic exercise of 12 weeks, however, has incurred the general improvement in those elements controlling the body composition. This improvement seems to have helped each subject with healthy condition.
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The Effects of Cold Exposure on Muscle Fiber Type and Blood Thyroid Hormone in Water Polo Player 스포츠생리학 / 저온환경이 수구선수의 근섬유형태 및 혈장 Thyroid hormone 에 미치는 영향
38(4) 482-490, 1999
The Effects of Cold Exposure on Muscle Fiber Type and Blood Thyroid Hormone in Water Polo Player 스포츠생리학 / 저온환경이 수구선수의 근섬유형태 및 혈장 Thyroid hormone 에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cold exposure on muscle fiber type and thyroid hormone. Thirteen subjects were participated in this study, divided into control(n=9) and water polo player group(n=6). Needle biopsy was performed in both groups to measure muscle fiber type, mean cross sectional area, capillary density, and diffusional index. Blood sample was extracted to 10㎖ from anticuvital vein for thyroid hormone analysis.
Relative distribution of type I and type II showed no significant difference between both groups, but that of subtype II(IIa and IIx) was significantly different. In water polo player group, cross sectional area was tended to decrease, especially that of type IIx was significantly lower than that of control. Capillay density showed no significant difference but was tended to decrease. Diffusional index was significantly lower in type IIx(control 1743.9 ±280.7μ㎡, water polo player 1150.9 ±222.6μ㎡). T3 and T4 were significantly higher in water polo player group, but TSH was significantly lower than control group (p<.05).
In conclusion, cold environment affected thyroid hormone, but did not change muscle fiber type composition. Many other factors such as experimental protocol, exercise, species were involved in cold environmental adaptation. Further investigations will be needed to obtain more detailed findings.
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A Study of Nerotransmitter Response for Central Nervous Fatigue to Overtraining 스포츠생리학 / 과도한 훈련시 중추피로 평가를 위한 신경전달물질 분석
38(4) 491-499, 1999
A Study of Nerotransmitter Response for Central Nervous Fatigue to Overtraining 스포츠생리학 / 과도한 훈련시 중추피로 평가를 위한 신경전달물질 분석
The purpose of this study was to evaluation of nerotransmitter response for central nervous fatigue to overtraining. The subject were 5 male Judo athletes on HY university. Training program of overtraining was progressively increased exercise time following training phase during 50day. Blood samples was drawn from antecubital vein. Independent variables for the study were training phase, dependent value was weigh, fat mass, HRrest, BP, 5-HT, and dopamine. All data were analyzed by repeated ANOVA and Pearson`s product movement correlation on of SPSS, accepting level for all significances was above α=0.05.
The following conclusion were made:
1. The changes of weight, fat mass, HRrest following overtraining were significant.
2. The changes of 5-HT at rest following overtraining were significantly increased.
3. The changes of dopamine at rest following overtraining were no significant.
In conclusion, overtraining induced central nervous fatigue can effect changes of nerotransmitter. this results suggested that increased 5-HT or decrease dopamine by stress of overtraining effect harmfully on exercise performance and health.
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The Effect of Two Different Modes of Resistance Training on Cross - sectional Area of The Human Quadriceps 스포츠생리학 / 근력트레이닝방법이 대퇴네갈래근의 횡단면적에 미치는 영향
최조연JoYeonChoi , 윤우상WooSangYoon , 권중호JungHoKwon
38(4) 500-509, 1999
The Effect of Two Different Modes of Resistance Training on Cross - sectional Area of The Human Quadriceps 스포츠생리학 / 근력트레이닝방법이 대퇴네갈래근의 횡단면적에 미치는 영향
최조연JoYeonChoi , 윤우상WooSangYoon , 권중호JungHoKwon
In this study, the effect of RRT(Repetition Resistance wining) and IRT(Interval Resistance Training) on muscle morphological properties of human thigh muscles was examined. Eleven subjects were divided into RRT and IRT groups. The RRT group comprised five male subjects who performed 5sets at 90% of 1RM(One repetition maximum) with a 3min rest between sets. The IRT group comprised six male subjects who performed 9sets at 80∼40% of 1RM with rest intervals between sets of either 30s or 3min. Both groups performed isotonic knee extension exercise twice a week for 8weeks. In the determination of m. CSA(muscle cross-sectional area) of the quadriceps femoris by MRI(Magnetic resonance imaging), at levels 30%, 50% and 70% from the top of the femur were taken pre, mid, and post training.
The IRT group showed a greater rate of improvement than the RRT group in terms of m. CSA of the m. QF(Quadriceps femoris), m. VI(Vastus intermedius), m. VM(Vastus medialis), and m. RF(Rectus femoris) at all levels from the top of the femur(p<.05). The IRT group showed a greater rate of improvement than the RRT group in terms of m. CSA of the m VL(Vastus lateralis) at levels 30% and 70%(p<.05), but showed no significant change at level 50% from the top of the femur between IRT and RRT.
These results suggest that RRT and IRT methods should be applied appropriately according to the training aim.
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Development of Computer Graphic Program for Three Dimensional Motion Analysis 운동역학 / 3D 동작 분석용 컴퓨터 그래픽 프로그램 개발
38(4) 513-520, 1999
Development of Computer Graphic Program for Three Dimensional Motion Analysis 운동역학 / 3D 동작 분석용 컴퓨터 그래픽 프로그램 개발
This study was conducted with the purpose of developing computer graphic program necessary to analyze 3D motions with C language. To produce human body model for 3D analysis, double twisted motions of floor exercise were used for experiment. 3D space coordinates of human segment endpoints were produced using video analysis system, and three dimensional human body model was produced through several steps. In the first step, the coordinates of points perpendicular to each segment were produced and rotation transformation matrices were calculated with each segment as its center. Then, viewing transformation matrices were calculated to transform the world coordinate into viewing coordinate. The dimensional wire model was also produced to display the eye coordinates on the screen by perspective projection. In the last step, using the wire model, three dimensional hidden line removal model was produced by removing the hidden lines and hidden surfaces invisible from view pont. Then, the model was painted from far toward near to the view point. The computer graphic program for 3D motion analysis developed in the present study can select a necessary model, adjust the view point in any direction to be observed for vision analysis and perform size adjustment and animation accurately. Therefore, It is expected that when this software program is applied to motion analysis performed in three dimensional space or simulation of motions in the air, it can provide vision analysis from multi aspects and various types of graphics conveniently.
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Analysis of Rearfoot control on Running Shoes for Obese Males 운동역학 / 비만 남자의 달리기 시 운동화 중저 경도가 후족 제어에 미치는 영향
이종훈JongHunLee , 김재필ChaePilKim
38(4) 521-528, 1999
Analysis of Rearfoot control on Running Shoes for Obese Males 운동역학 / 비만 남자의 달리기 시 운동화 중저 경도가 후족 제어에 미치는 영향
이종훈JongHunLee , 김재필ChaePilKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of midsole hardness of sports shoes on rearfoot control in obese males during running, and then to give the informations of the optimal midsole hardness of sports shoes for obese males.
The subject of this study was 8 obese male runners with rearfoot strikers. Subjects were selected by obesity test according to body mass index equation. And three types of running shoes with midsole hardness of Shore A 40, 50 and 60 were selected. Each subject run with three differnent types of sport shoes at 4.0 m/s and a rearfoot motion during running was measured using 16㎜ high speed camera.
And for the data analysis, the stance phase during ruiuning was divided into 3 phases(heel contact, mid-stanre, toe-off). At each phase, angle of achilles tendon data were calculated from the position data.
After analyzing the angle of achilles tendon at each phase, the following findings are obtained:
1. During initial supporting phase, the midsole hardness doesn`t influence the initial achilles tendon angles.
2. During mid supporting phase, the softer midsole gives the larger pronation.
3. During toe-off phase, the softer midsole dives the larder supination.
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Kinematic Comparision of Entrechat Quatre and Entrechat Six in Ballet 운동역학 / 발레 앙트르샤 까트르와 앙트르샤 시스 동작의 운동학적 비교분석
The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematic parameters with Entrechat quatre and Entrechat six in ballet. The subject of this study was three balletrinas, who had more than 10years experience in National Ballet Company. The experiment of this study was used to two 16㎜ high speed carmeras. The results obtained from the study were as follow;
1. It was showed that the duration time were slower than increase of the number that crossed the motiom of foot.
2. Commonly, the center of gravity to change height was appeared Entrechat six higher than Entrechat quatre.
3. Both of tiptoe distance was appeared that distance of Entrechat six narrowed to common section between two motion.
4. Commonly, knee angle was appeared larger left knee angle than right knee angle and there is no difference of section between two motion.
The sequential motion of foot used in ballet is metatarsal bone landing which proceeds as toe, metatarsal, heel. This landing technique is an ideal landing model which minimizes the impact force and gives balanced landing.
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Kinematic Comparison of Three Soccer Shooting Motion 운동역학 / 세가지 축구 슈팅 동작의 운동학적 비교
진영완YoungWanJin , 최지영JiYoungChoi , 신제민JeMinShin
38(4) 537-547, 1999
Kinematic Comparison of Three Soccer Shooting Motion 운동역학 / 세가지 축구 슈팅 동작의 운동학적 비교
진영완YoungWanJin , 최지영JiYoungChoi , 신제민JeMinShin
The purpose of this study is to compare and to analyze the kinematic factors of the shooting movements, which come as the ultimate aim, of a ball standing still, rolling away and rolling towards the player, considering that most times the shooting occurs when the ball is moving, and also to understand the physical characteristics of each shooting movement.
This study was carried out using three dimensional image analyzing method. Relative angles were calculated through Cadan Angles, which is frequently used in biomechanics and the moment was found with Motion-dependent interaction analyzing method which was used by Feltner and Dapena. Through such methods it was assumed that "the results of the kinematic factors are the same" and after compiling statistics with One-Way ANOVA and post hoc testing with Tukey`s Honestly Significant Difference method. The following conclusions were made. The speed of incidence was classified into absolute speed and the three movement were compared. The absolute speed showed some differences(p<.05). The angle of incidence didn`t have much differences, The strides, in proportion of the height, showed some statistical differences of 0.97 for the ball atanding still, 0.99 for the ball rolling away, and 0.98 for the ball rolling towards the player(p<.05). In comparing the speed of tip of the foot at time of impact, the three movements didn`t have much differences(p<.05). The angles of the ankle and knee of the supporting leg and angles of the ankle and knee of the kicking leg at the time of impact showed no statistical differences. The three movements showed no differences in the change of the relative angles of the upper leg.
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Kinematics of Shot Putting Performed by Male and Female Wheelchair Athletes
Chae Woen-sik
38(4) 548-557, 1999
Kinematics of Shot Putting Performed by Male and Female Wheelchair Athletes
Chae Woen-sik
The purposes of this study were to describe selected kinematic characteristics of shot putting performed by male and female wheelchair athletes of similar functional capability and to identify differences in kinematic characteristics between males and females. Wheelchair field athletes of a training camp (5 males and 4 females, age: 32.9 ±0.7 yrs, field classification: F6/F7, neurological level: L2-S2) organized by the Wheelchair Sports, US (WSUSA) served as the subjects. Two S-VHS camcorder (60 fields/s) were used to record the shot put performances. Each subject performed six trials and the best trial was selected for analysis. The direct linear transformatio (DLT) technique was used to obtain three-dimensional coordinates of selected body landmarks and the shot. Selected kinematic variables of the shot and upper body segments at the instant of release, and the range of motio (ROM) and average angular speed of different segments during the final forward thrus (delivery) were determined. For each variable, an independent t-test was conducted to test for the significant difference between males and females. Although female athletes used a lighter sho (3 ㎏ as compared to 4 ㎏ used by males), the put distances for males were significantly greater than the distances attained by female (p≤.05) (Table 1). The greater distances were due to the greater speed, angle, and height of release of the shot. Significant difference between sexes was found in the vertical velocity of releas (p≤.01), but not in the horizontal velocity of release. Among different segments, the upper arm has the greatest angular speed at release, and ROM and average angular speed during the forward thrust. This implies that the upper arm motion is an important determinant of the put distance. The large SD values and non-significant differences between sexes found in segmental kinematics may suggest that the subjects used different techniques(e.g., emphasizing different segments) in their puts. Future studies should investigate the shot putting techniques used by athletes of different functional capabilities.
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A Study on the Pedagogical-Content Knowledge of Teachers in Teaching Physical Education at Selected Junior-High Schools 스포츠교육학 / 중학교 체육교사의 수업지식과 교수활동의 관계분석연구
38(4) 561-581, 1999
A Study on the Pedagogical-Content Knowledge of Teachers in Teaching Physical Education at Selected Junior-High Schools 스포츠교육학 / 중학교 체육교사의 수업지식과 교수활동의 관계분석연구
One of the important competencies of the teacher would be the teacher`s ability to teach the subject matter with effectiveness. Thus, teacher educators and researchers in education paid attention to teacher knowledge of the teacher as a crucial factor to the learning achievement for the students.
The purpose of this study was to compare the pedagogical-content knowledge of teachers in terms of the educational experiences in teaching physical education at selected junior-high schools in Seoul. Multiple case study design was employed in this study. Four junior-high school teachers (two novice teachers and two experienced teachers) were interviewed and observed. Data were collected through various methods such as in-depth interviews and videotaping. The data collected were analyzed by using inductive categorical system. Also, the trustworthiness of data was confirmed through the member check, peer debriefing, and triangulation.
In order to compare novice teachers` and experienced teachers` pedagogical-content knowledge in teaching physical education at junior-high school, the findings were presented and discussed with similarities and differences in Grossman`s four components of pedagogical-content knowledge; knowledge of objectives, knowledge of student understandings, knowledge of curriculum, and knowledge of teaching strategies.
Recommendations for teacher educators and researchers in physical education and sport pedagogy were made to improve the quality of teacher education programs. Also, the future research directions were given for the teacher educators and researchers in the preservice and inservice education.
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The Relationship Between Competing Value Leadership and Professional Orientation of Judo Athletes with Attitudes and Perception 스포츠교육학 / 지도자의 경쟁가치 리더십과 유도선수의 전문적 성향에 따른 태도 및 지각의 관계
김종욱JongWookKim , 조민선MinSunCho , 김현식HyenSikKim
38(4) 582-591, 1999
The Relationship Between Competing Value Leadership and Professional Orientation of Judo Athletes with Attitudes and Perception 스포츠교육학 / 지도자의 경쟁가치 리더십과 유도선수의 전문적 성향에 따른 태도 및 지각의 관계
김종욱JongWookKim , 조민선MinSunCho , 김현식HyenSikKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between competing value leadership and professional orientation of Judo athletes with attitudes and perception. For this purpose, 222(male=145, female=77) Judo Athletes were selected as subjects. The questionnaire that was used by Kwon(1995) and Ha(1996) was also used in this study.
The statistics selected in this study were descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe post hoc test, and Standard Multiple Regression Analysis.
As a result of the analyses of collected data, the following conclusions were obtained:
Firstly, there was a significant difference in competing value leadership, professional orientation of Judo athletes, attitudes and perception by socio-demographic variables.
Secondly, competing value leadership influence on professional orientation of Judo athletes.
Thirdly, competing value leadership influence on attitudes and perception.
Lastly, professional orientation of Judo athlete not influence on attitudes and perception.
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An Inquiry on the Basic Point System in the Physical Education Evaluation 스포츠교육학 / 체육과 실기평가 기본점수제에 대한 체육교사의 의식 조사
박준용JunYongPark , 김기학KiHackKim , 정도상DoSangJung
38(4) 592-599, 1999
An Inquiry on the Basic Point System in the Physical Education Evaluation 스포츠교육학 / 체육과 실기평가 기본점수제에 대한 체육교사의 의식 조사
박준용JunYongPark , 김기학KiHackKim , 정도상DoSangJung
The purpose of this study was to offer a basis that can convert the basic point system by investigating the influence on the basic point system in the physical education.
This study shows some results by inquiring into 275 physical education teachers` views about the basic point system using a questionnaire. The opinion of physical education teachers` about the basic point system used the chi-square based on data from greater than 11 years` education career versus less than 11 years` ; the results are as follows.
The main reason why the basic point system was introduced in the physical education evaluation was to reduce parents` complaints of their children`s scores. The basic point system didn`t have positive influences on learning attitude, exercise skill, learning motivation. The respondents found it difficult in deciding on evaluation standards, and in discriminating differences between individuals.
86.2% of those surveyed reported that basic point system was not valid. The respondents hoped the basic point system should be abolished or lowered, and expected to discriminate effectively differences between individuals by amending the basic point system.
Without the basic point system in the physical education evaluation, the type of 4-events, 5-levels, 3-points gap between levels is chosen most. Evaluating with 4-events, 5-levels and 3-points gap between levels gives students the basic point around 30%. The basic point around 30% would be the most desirable way in the physical education evaluation.
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Analysis of the Environment Education and Presentation the Program of New Environment Education in the Textbook of Physical Education Middle School 스포츠교육학 / 중학교 체육교과서의 환경교육 실태 분석 및 새로운 환경교육 프로그램 개발
박현우HyunWooPark , 전하경HaKyungJun
38(4) 600-611, 1999
Analysis of the Environment Education and Presentation the Program of New Environment Education in the Textbook of Physical Education Middle School 스포츠교육학 / 중학교 체육교과서의 환경교육 실태 분석 및 새로운 환경교육 프로그램 개발
박현우HyunWooPark , 전하경HaKyungJun
This study aims to analyze the contents of environmental education in the textbook of physical education middle school and to present the new program of the environmental education. The environment education in the physical education was instructed in the second grade of the middles school Curriculum. The contents of environment education consist of various environmental pollutions and environmental conditions for home, school and society on the standpoint of health, hygiene and scientifical knowledge on the environment. Here can we find absence of realistic conflicts between sports and environment that occur daily in our community. And we see the exclusiveness of environment education and it`s poverty on the realistic reflection. I will suggest new program of the realistic and practical environment education in the physical education.
The first requirement of the new environment education program is new teaching contents that was included conflicts between sports and natural environment, new ethical viewpoint for rightfulness of nature-preservation and new outlook of the world and man on the meaning of coexistence of man and nature.
The second is new teaching and learning program. Environment education requires critical reflection and practical behavior. Therefore instruction must be developed not as training of memorizing, but as getting by critical reflection and practical experience. Here is required the instruction model of experience-cognition-behaviour. Under this model persuits the first stage the value clarification. For the value clarification may be discursive instruction method highly effective. In the second Stage is offered chances of the pro-environmental experience by the practical lesson. In the last stage must be suggested the practical lessons for the offer of the bodily-experience opportunities that are communicated with natural environment.
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The Effects of Applying Alternative Assessment of Portfolios on the Performance of Secondary Physical Education Subject Matter 스포츠교육학 / 포트폴리오 평가방법이 중학교 체육교과의 수행능력에 미치는 영향
38(4) 612-625, 1999
The Effects of Applying Alternative Assessment of Portfolios on the Performance of Secondary Physical Education Subject Matter 스포츠교육학 / 포트폴리오 평가방법이 중학교 체육교과의 수행능력에 미치는 영향
Recently, performance assessment has become a major research topic in the field of educational researches, but it still remains conceptual level. No research has been initiated to approve the applicability of performance assessment into physical education classes. Thus, the purpose of this study was to actually apply performance assessment into secondary physical education classes and substantiate the effectiveness of it.
To verify comparative effectiveness of tratitional physical education classes and classes applying performance assessment, one subject physical education teacher was selected to teach 7 sessions of volleyball skills using traditional assessment, which is followed by 7 sessions of volleyball skill applying performance assessment. The data were collected through documents gathering, descriptive observation, participant observation, in-depth interview, questionnaire and subjective assessment instrument. The collected data were analyzed from the perspective of research questions to result in the following conclusions.
First, the teacher applying portfolios would select motor tasks in more varying ways than the teacher using traditional assessment methods. Seond, both physical education classes mainly adopted interaction teaching methods. However, while physical education classes of applying traditional assessment tended to adopt whole classes, classes using port were more likely to adopt small group teaching. Third, physical education classes applying performance assessment tended to have more interaction with individual students or students in small group. Fourth, physical education classes applying performance assessment evaluated three domains of physical education objectives more fairly than those using traditional assessment techniques. Fifth, physical education classes applying portfolios had more time on tasks known to be directly related academic achievement than those using traditional assessment techniques.
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A Study on Elementary School Curriculum and Its Changes of Instruction and Learning Methods for Swimming 스포츠교육학 / 초등학교 수영 교육과정과 교수-학습지도 방법의 변천 고찰
38(4) 626-641, 1999
A Study on Elementary School Curriculum and Its Changes of Instruction and Learning Methods for Swimming 스포츠교육학 / 초등학교 수영 교육과정과 교수-학습지도 방법의 변천 고찰
Swimming is necessary not only for marina safety but also for pastime activity. However, swimming instruction not properly conducted in formal school system due to insufficient number of well-trained instructors and the lack of swimming facilities available at schools. Furthermore, most of school system do not expect any significant improvements in the near future.
Despite all of these negatives, all students in Deoksoo Elementary School located in Seoul successfully swam across Han River in Seoul on June 25th in 1994. This event demonstrated the possibility of improvements of swimming education in every school. On the contrary, the scope of swimming education program in elementary schools was drastically cut in the 7th revised version of the curriculum in 1977. Thus raised the doubts in pubilic` mind whether swimming education is importantly considered in the formal education system.
Implicit curriculum is defined by implicit values suggested within the school system. In this sense, the Deoksoo students` event was one good example of implicit curriculum. This event also suggested that we need to review how the curriculum and training activities related to swimming have changed since 1945.
This paper reviews the curricular materials related to swimming lessons; and its textbooks, exemplary teachers` personal teacring materials, and instructional methods used related to swimming have changed over seven times of revisions since 1945. This paper also suggests a few directions to improve swimming education in the formal elementary school system.
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Factor Analysis of Physical Performance in Boys and Girls Aged 9~15 Years 체육측정평가 / 초 중등학생들의 운동수행능력의 인자구조분석
38(4) 645-654, 1999
Factor Analysis of Physical Performance in Boys and Girls Aged 9~15 Years 체육측정평가 / 초 중등학생들의 운동수행능력의 인자구조분석
The aim of this study was to analyze the physical performance factors in boys aged 9∼15 years. Subjects of this study consisted of a total of 1,200 boys and girls. The physical performance tests included flamingo balance, plate tapping, sit and reach, grip strength, sit-ups, 50m shuttle run, bent arm hang, and cardiovascular endurance run. All data were analyzed by SAS procedure (1988). The results showed that physical performance for elementary school boys consisted of the seven factors including muscular endurance for I factor, agility for II factor, power for III factor, static muscular strength for IV factor, dynamic muscular strength for V factor, flexibility for VI factor, and balance for VII factor. The physical performance for elementary school girls included static muscular strength for I factor, muscular endurance for II factor, power for III factor, agility for IV factor, flexibility for VI factor, and balance for VII factor. The five factors for physical performance including power-muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, balance and static strength were extracted from middle school boys. The physical performance for middle school girls consisted of the seven factors including flexibility for I factor, power for II factor, dynamic muscular endurance for III factor, agility for IV factor, balance for V factor, static muscle strength for VI factor, and static muscular endurance for VII factor.
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An Analysis of Decision - Making Toward Sports Participation 체육측정평가 / 스포츠활동 참여의사결정에 관한 실증분석
38(4) 655-664, 1999
An Analysis of Decision - Making Toward Sports Participation 체육측정평가 / 스포츠활동 참여의사결정에 관한 실증분석
The purpose of this study was to identify the decision-making of people who lived in Seoul toward sports participation. The subjects(N=2147) were selected from male workers who had a bachelor`s degree and took part in jogging, tennis, and golf regularly. All data were analyzed regarding the proposed decision-making pattern toward sports participation by the logistic regression analysis, chi-square test, and spearman ρ analysis. Data analyses were derived through the use of Statistical Analysis System(SAS 3.0). Economic factors had significantly influence on the decisionmaking toward sports participation. The more increased in direct(e.g., money) and indirect(e.g., earnings foregone) costs for golf, the more deceased in the selection of golf. The more aging, the more deceased in the preferences toward sports participation. In summary, individuals who want to satisfy in sports participation were verified to do reasonable decision-making with considering their conditions(e.g., physiological, psychological, and economical factors) toward sports participation, selection of sports items, and change from sports items.
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Skeletal Maturity and The Prediction of Adult Height Estimated in Children 체육측정평가 / 초등학생의 골격성숙도와 성인시 신장 추정에 관한 연구
38(4) 665-677, 1999
Skeletal Maturity and The Prediction of Adult Height Estimated in Children 체육측정평가 / 초등학생의 골격성숙도와 성인시 신장 추정에 관한 연구
The aims of this study were to analyze the present state of skeletal maturation and to predict adult height in schoolboys and girls. The sample of the study consisted of a total of 454 children and adolescents aged 9-12 years. Six hundred twenty three elementary schoolboys and girls were selected on each 4 classes from 4th grade to 6th grade in an elementary school located in Bundang Kyunggi-Do Province.
Body mass was measured with a beam balance stature to 0.1㎏, and stature was taken with a Martin`s anthropometer.
Radiographs of the left hand and wrist were taken with an 31 portable(70kVp; 20㎃) X-ray unit assembled in a portable apparatus designed and constructed according to the recommendations of Greulich and Pyle(1959). Skeletal age was determined by RUS scores(radius, ulna, and short bones) with TW2 method(Tanner et al., 1983). All skeletal maturity assessments of the samples were made by author. The reliability of the ratings by the study assessor was tested using a random sample of radiographs from 30 boys and girls, aged 9-12 years. The absolute mean difference between first and second assessment was 0.17 years for the RUS(SD=0.27) system and 0.20 years for carpal(SD=0.26) system. Therefore, infra-observer reliability for skeletal age assessments were comparable with results of previous studies(Beunen et al. 1990; Song et al., 1998). Adult height were predicted by means of the Tanner-Whitehouse`s age and sex related regression equations involving three variables of height, chronological age, bone age.
All analyses were carried out by the SAS computer programs(SAS Institute, 1988).
Skeletal maturity state was estimated by the calculation of 3, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 97 percentiles. Comparisons between levels of maturity were applied by means of analysis of variance(ANOVA) and Duncan`s a posteriors tests.
The results showed that in the boys, RUS scores increase nearly linearly between 9 and 12 years of age both boys and girls. RUS scores in boys varied from 298.20 for 9 years to 484.16 for 12 years and from 469.16 for 9 years to 769.21 for 12 years.
Percentiles based on the RUS scores were largely distributed between 25th and 75th both boys and girls. Thus, boys were more distributed under 3rd, between 3rd and 10th, between 75th and 90th, 90th and 97th, over 97 percentiles than that of girls. However, girls were more distributed between 10th and 25th, 25th and 50th, between 50th and 75th than that of boys.
Bone ages were 9.71 for 9 years, 10.47 for 10 years, 11.64 for 11 years, 13.60 for 13 years in boys. It indicates that chronological age was lower than bone age in all age groups. For girls bone ages varied from 10.32 years for 9 years to 13.86 for 12 years.
Adult heights were predicted 175.32㎝ for 9 years, 175.15㎝ for 10 years. 175.92㎝ for 11 years, 175.24㎝ for 12 years in boys. Adult heights were predicted 162.45㎝ for 9 years, 162.54㎝ for 10 years, 161.87㎝ for 11 years, 160.97㎝ for 12 years in girls.
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Estimation of Physical Fitness Age of Daily Living in Older Women 체육측정평가 / 도시 거주 고령여성(高齡女性)의 생활체력연령(生活體力年齡)의 추정(推定)
38(4) 678-688, 1999
Estimation of Physical Fitness Age of Daily Living in Older Women 체육측정평가 / 도시 거주 고령여성(高齡女性)의 생활체력연령(生活體力年齡)의 추정(推定)
The purposes of this study were : 1) to develop an equation for determining physical fitness age of daily living (LPFA) using principal component analysis, and 2) to examine the cross-validation of the LPFA equation using a different subject group. One hundred thirty Korean older women (age range 60 to 83 years) volunteered for this study. Each participants signed an informed consent and completed a written questionnaire requesting information about her health, functional status, and physical activity level. The physical fitness items represent cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength/endurance, coordination, balance, and agility. To ensure measurement consistency, the same tester conducted the same measurements. The testing apparatuses were calibrated prior to all testing sessions. The results of physical characteristics and physical fitness test are expressed as mean values standard deviations. Each 7 physical fitness tasks representing activity of daily living had to demonstrate a significant correlation with age in our preliminary analyses. In order to reduce the 8 items to a single score, the correlation matrix for the 8 items including age was subjected to principal component analysis. The main idea of this analysis is to reduce the dimensionality of a data set, which consists of a large number of interrelated variables, while retaining as much as possible the variation present in the data set. The first principal component was used as the best single descriptor of total daily living-related physical fitness tasks. The first principal component scores were computed for each subject. Because the scores generated by the principal component analysis were expressed in dimensionless units, it was considered desirable to convert these scares to units of ages. LPFS = 0.075X1 + 0.158X2 + 0.043X3 - 0229X4 - 0.012X5 - 0.297X6 + 0.032X7 - 0.122X8 + 12.901: where X1 = grip strength, X2 = biceps curl, X3 = sit and down of chair, X4 = walking around two chairs, X5 = 800 m walking, X6 = balancing on one leg with eyes open, X7 = sit-and-reach, X8 = age, LPFA = 5.76LPFS + 0.294Age + 47.26. It was confirmed that the estimated LPFA were symmetrically scattered above and below the line of identity (i.e., Age = LPFA). In the cross-validation group, no signficant difference existed between LPFA and age. Therefore, the LPFA equation was considered useful in assessing functional fitness of daily living in the Korean elderly women.
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The Comparison by Ages and Aerobic Dance Career of Health-Related Physical Fitness Test Score 체육측정평가 / 에어로빅댄스 경력에 따른 건강관련 체력
이성노SeongNoLee , 박정화JungHwaPark
38(4) 689-699, 1999
The Comparison by Ages and Aerobic Dance Career of Health-Related Physical Fitness Test Score 체육측정평가 / 에어로빅댄스 경력에 따른 건강관련 체력
이성노SeongNoLee , 박정화JungHwaPark
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the data of health-related physical fitness test in aerobic dance career of adult women for finding problems of aerobic dance, and helping development and application of exercise program.
Subjects were 338 women above 30 years old in Taegu, and divided 3groups for ages(30-39, 40-44, and above 45 years old), and 4 groups for careers (below 6, 7-18, 19-42, and above 43 month).
The following conclusions are supported by findings of this study:
1) As results of correlation for age, career, physique, and components of physical fitness test, almost correlation coefficients were lower as r=.1-.3. However the correlation of weight and %fat was the highest coefficient as r=.62.
2) On the comparison of %fat by ages and careers, these were significant differences of ages and careers.
3) On the comparison of PEI by ages and careers, these were significant differences of careers, and interaction of age and career.
4) On the comparison of Curl-ups by ages and careers, these were significant difference of career.
5) On the comparison of Sit & Reach by ages and careers, these were significant difference of career.
6) On the comparison of Balance by ages and careers, these were significant difference of age.
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An Analysis of Characteristics of Body Composition of Elementary and Middle School 체육측정평가 / 초·중학생들의 신체구성 특성에 대한 분석
조근종KeunJongCho , 손원일WonIlSon
38(4) 700-709, 1999
An Analysis of Characteristics of Body Composition of Elementary and Middle School 체육측정평가 / 초·중학생들의 신체구성 특성에 대한 분석
조근종KeunJongCho , 손원일WonIlSon
This study was intended to compare and analyse the characteristics of body composition of 1,200 boys and girls in elementary/middle schools located in Kyungkido by sex and age.
The Bioelectric Impedance Analysis was used for measuring the percent body fat, fat mass, fat-free mass, basal metabolic rat, total body water, body mass index, sum of skinfolds, waist/hip ratio, waist/thigh ratio, were analysed.
The statistics package, SAS(SAS Institute, 1988) was used for calculating mean and standard deviation. Student`s t-test was used for verification of difference in body composition characteristics. The significance for all statistical values was set to α=0.05.
The results of analysis of the body composition by sex and ante are as followings.
1. The mean percent body fat rate is 23.2±9.61% and 15.0±9.06% for girls and boys respectively. The value of girls is higher than that of boys significantly(p<0.01).
The mean fat mass is 11.8±6.87㎏ and 8.0±6.55㎏ for boys and girls respectively. The value of girls is higher than that of boys significantly(p<0.01).
2. The man fat-free mass is 40.7±8.55㎏ and 38.0±7.43㎏ for boys and girls respectively. The value of boys in higher than that of girls significantly(p<0.01).
The mean metabolism is 1237.3±258.46㎈/day and 1079.6±154.46㎈/day respectively. The value of boys is higher than that of girls significantly(p<0.01).
3. The mean total body water content is 24.4±6.33L and 20.7±3.72L for boys and girls respectively. The value of boys is higher than that of girls significantly. The mean body mass index is 19.4±3.25㎏/㎠ and 19.7±3.37㎏/㎠ for boys and girls, and there is no significant difference.
4. The mean sum of skinfolds is 93.2±29.26㎜ and 79.9±31.94㎜ for boys and girls respectively. The value of girls is higher than that of boys significantly(p<0.01). The sum of skinfolds and waist/hip ratio of girls are higher than boys significantly.
5. The mean waist/hip ratio is 0.81±0.09 and 0.76±0.08 for boys and girls respectively. The value of boys is higher than that of girls but there is no significant difference between the waist/thigh ratio of boys and girls.
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Assessment Model of Health-related Physical Fitness in College Women 체육측정평가 / 여자대학생 건강체력 평가 모형
38(4) 710-719, 1999
Assessment Model of Health-related Physical Fitness in College Women 체육측정평가 / 여자대학생 건강체력 평가 모형
Health-related physical fitness refers to the favorable influence of habitual physical activity on health status. It is the state of physical and physiological characteristics that define the risk levels for the premature development of diseases or morbid conditions presenting a relationship with a sedentary mode of life. The purposes to this study were as follows 1) to determine how exercise and sedentary type female college students differs on health-related physical fitness tests, 2) to determine if students can be accurately classified according to physical activity level from test scores. The subjects in this study were 126 college female students attending Seoul Women`s University. Based on their physical activity level, the subjects were placed in one of two group(exercise, sedentary group). Data were collected for each subjected on 8 health-related physical fitness test items.
The results of research question one dealt with the variable selection aspect of descriptive discriminant analysis. For the omnibus test, push up, flexed-arm hang, sit and reach, torso lift test in combination discriminated as well as the original set of variables. So, this 4 health-related physical fitness test items were as effective as the original set of variables for seperating the groups. Research question two dealt with classifying the subjects into their physical activity level at a rate better than chance. The subjects in exercise group were correctly classified at 96.4%. And sedentary group were correctly classified at 100%. As a result of this study, replication study for cross validation seem appropriate.
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Evaluation of Athletic Performance for Male Short Track Players by Physical Fitness Components Through Each Schools 체육측정평가 / 학교급별 남자 단거리 육상선수들의 경기력 결정요인 분석
최덕묵DukMookChoi , 김기범KeeBumKim
38(4) 720-728, 1999
Evaluation of Athletic Performance for Male Short Track Players by Physical Fitness Components Through Each Schools 체육측정평가 / 학교급별 남자 단거리 육상선수들의 경기력 결정요인 분석
최덕묵DukMookChoi , 김기범KeeBumKim
This study was undertaken to identify factorial structure of physical fitness components for male short track players. In order to accomplish this purpose, the selected 10 physical fitness test were conducted to 15male track players on each schools (elementary, middle, high school). For the concretely, this study was conducted to physical fitness battery was grip strength, vertical jump, standing trunk flexion, sit-ups, closed eyes foot balance, standing jump, hang-ups, ball-throwing, 50m run, and 1600m run.
Factor analysis was applied for analyzing factorial structure of each physical fitness components.
The implication of the study are as follow:
1. Male short track players performance outcomes were affected by power, speed irrelevant to each schools. Balance affected a little performance outcomes in middle schools, while elementary, high school male track & field players had an impact on a maximum performance outcomes.
2. Characteristics of physical fitness needed to decide performance outcome were differentiated by the initial level of skills and later level of skills. At the initial level of skills, even though balance, flexibility were very important factors for deciding performance outcomes, cardiovascular endurance, balance, and power were very important factors for deciding performance outcomes at the later level of skills.
3. The importance of physical fitness factors which had an effects on performance outcomes was differentiated by the level of skills.
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Consumer Satisfaction for Service Quality in the Korean Commercial Sport Centers 스포츠행정 경영 / 상업용 스포츠센터의 서비스품질에 따른 소비자만족도
김상국SangKookKim , 임태식TaeSikLim
38(4) 731-744, 1999
Consumer Satisfaction for Service Quality in the Korean Commercial Sport Centers 스포츠행정 경영 / 상업용 스포츠센터의 서비스품질에 따른 소비자만족도
김상국SangKookKim , 임태식TaeSikLim
In much of the research papers have been found that there are relationships between service quality and consumer satisfaction. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the consumer satisfaction of the Korean commercial sport centers in connection with service quality. An additional purpose of this study was to analyze the service quality through the factor analysis. The instrument of this study was used by the SERVQUAL (Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, 1990). Using the stratified random sampling method, two hundred and twenty two consumers were surveyed. Then one way ANOVA and Multiple Regression were used in this study, using the SPSS Win 8.0 version. This study showed that there were strong relationships between the factors of service quality and the consumer satisfaction. In addition, there was also a significant(p.<.05) mean difference in the consumer satisfaction according to the general variables including educational background, income, occupation, and types of participation.
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The Effect of Attitude toward the Spectator on Effect of Title Sponsorship in Professional Basketball League 스포츠행정 경영 / 프로농구 관중 태도가 타이틀 스폰서십 효과에 미치는 영향
38(4) 745-758, 1999
The Effect of Attitude toward the Spectator on Effect of Title Sponsorship in Professional Basketball League 스포츠행정 경영 / 프로농구 관중 태도가 타이틀 스폰서십 효과에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of title sponsorship through the relationship between attitude of spectator in pro. basketball and title sponsorship. Pro. basketball spectators(n=209) were sampled with purposive sampling method. Descriptive analysis, multiple regression analysis, and simple regression analysis were used for data analysis. The results were as follows;
First, there were significant effects for attitude toward media exposure, attitude toward game support, and attitude toward gymnasium attendance between attitude of spectator and image of title sponsor. But no effect was found in attitude toward game watching. Second, there were significant effects for attitude toward game support and attitude toward gymnasium attendance but no for attitude toward media exposure and attitude toward game support between attitude of spectator and purchase intention. Third, image of title sponsor have a significant effect on purchase intention. It is noted that the influence was negative in terms of sponsorship effect.
Suggestions for potential sponsor company and Korean Basketball league based on the results are as follows;
For potential sponsor companies, continuous participation in sponsorship, not one time, is recommended. Second, the product image matching with pro. basketball need to be developed so that the positive image for pro. basketball is to be transferred. Third, the strategy of total communication harmonizing with other promotion tools such as advertisement and publicity should be developed to increase the effect of title sponsorship.
For KBL, active support is recommended to bring in more sponsor companies. Second, active marketing strategy should be established to attract a lot of spectators. Third, aggressive strategy which is needed for negotiation of TV rights with broadcasting stations should be established. Fourth, proper evaluation systems relating sponsorship effect should be established.
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Effects of Sport Participant Behavior on Sport Consumer's Reference Group and Participant Motivation 스포츠행정 경영 / 스포츠 소비자의 준거집단 요인과 스포츠 참여동기가 스포츠 참가행동에 미치는 영향
38(4) 759-771, 1999
Effects of Sport Participant Behavior on Sport Consumer's Reference Group and Participant Motivation 스포츠행정 경영 / 스포츠 소비자의 준거집단 요인과 스포츠 참여동기가 스포츠 참가행동에 미치는 영향
This study intended to test the research model developed to establish the relationship between sport participant behavior and reference group and motivation synthetically and concurrently. The model developed is compared to the levels of self-consciousness as a moderating variable. Questionnaires containing 20 statements are administered to a total of 405 users of privately owned sport club in Taegu, Korea. And the research model to estimate the causal relation between each latent variables is tested through the covariance structure modeling of LISREL.
The study contents and results are summarized as follows ;
The finding reveal that the overall goodness of fit index of the model I was comparatively good and the model set in this was significant. It was confirmed that the sport participant behavior was prescribed in the similarity and extrinsic motivation factors. But the overall goodness of fit index of the model II are rejected and the sport participant behavior was solely prescribed in extrinsic motivation factors.
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A Study on the Relationship between Organization Culture and Organization Effectiveness in Commercial Sports Center 스포츠행정 경영 / 상업 스포츠센터의 조직에 있어서 조직문화와 조직 효과성의 관계
오일영IlYoungOh , 신승호SeungHoShin , 김현석HyunSukKim
38(4) 772-782, 1999
A Study on the Relationship between Organization Culture and Organization Effectiveness in Commercial Sports Center 스포츠행정 경영 / 상업 스포츠센터의 조직에 있어서 조직문화와 조직 효과성의 관계
오일영IlYoungOh , 신승호SeungHoShin , 김현석HyunSukKim
This study was to examine the influence of organization culture to organization effectiveness. The subject of this study was 495 employees worked in commercial sports center and the conclusions were as the followings:
1. In the relationship between organization culture and organization effectiveness in commercial sports center, there was a high correlation between the individual work satisfaction factor and the fairness of compensational system, and the acception of decision making system and the support of leadership highly correlated to the group cohesion. Self-control of work execution, delegation of authority and responsibility, harmonious communication, and openness of human relationship highly correlated to adaptability of organization to a change.
2. The fairness of compensational system among the factors of organization culture showed the highest influence to individual work satisfaction and the next influential factor to individual work satisfaction was the acception of decision making system, the self-control of work execution, and the harmonious communication respectively.
3. The support of leadership among the factors of organization culture showed the highest influence to group cohesion, and the next influential factor to group cohesion was the acception of decision making system and the self-control of work execution respectively.
4. The support of leadership among the factors of organization culture showed the highest influence to the towardness of organization objective, and the next influential factor to the towardness of organization objective was the self-control of work execution, the fairness of compensational system, the acception of decision making system respectively.
5. The harmonious communication among the factors of organization culture showed the highest influence to the adaptability of organization to a change, and the next influential factor to the adaptability of organization to a change was the support of leadership, fairness of compensational system respectively.
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The Study on The Purchasing Behavior and Satisfaction in Members of Commercial Sports Center 스포츠행정 경영 / 상업스포츠센타 회원들의 구매행동 및 구매만족도 분석연구
38(4) 783-801, 1999
The Study on The Purchasing Behavior and Satisfaction in Members of Commercial Sports Center 스포츠행정 경영 / 상업스포츠센타 회원들의 구매행동 및 구매만족도 분석연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the purchasing behavior and satisfaction in members of commercial sports center according to the trait of social population. We had conclusions as follows:
1. The analysis of purchasing behavior
The using frequency were higher in postgraduated group, group of 3-4 million income.
Mass media for choosing sports center orderly appeared in fellows, advertising bill, newspaper, radio, placard, TV.
The effector for choosing sports center orderly appeared in himself or herself, fellows, family, co-worker, but fellows was higher in 20` s and students.
The purpose of using sports center orderly appeared in improvement of physical fitness, dissolution of stress, personal relations, improvement of sport skill, but personal relations was higher in postgraduated group.
The frequency per week orderly appeared in 4-5 fre., 2-3fre., over 6 fre..
The duration of exercise orderly appeared 30min-1 hr, 1-1.5 hr, 1.5-2 hr, over 2 hr but 1-1.5hr was higher in male, student, individual business.
The time of doing exercise orderly appeared in a.m, p.m, launch time, dawn but p.m was higher in male, officer, specialist.
2. The analysis of purchasing satisfaction
The purchasing satisfaction in improvement of physical fitness were no significant in sex, age and income but significant in academic career and job. The improvement of physical fitness, dissolution of stress generally appeared higher purchasing satisfaction. The purchasing satisfaction of personal relation were significant in sex, age, academic career and job but no significant in income.
The purchasing satisfaction of improvement of sport skill were no significant in academic career and job but significant in income. The purchasing satisfaction orderly appeared in improvement of physical fitness, dissolution of stress, personal relation, improvement of sport skill.
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The Study on Changes of Athlete Assistance and Medal Reward Scheme in Foreign Countries 스포츠행정 경영 / 외국의 선수지원 및 메달보상제도 변천에 관한 연구
38(4) 802-810, 1999
The Study on Changes of Athlete Assistance and Medal Reward Scheme in Foreign Countries 스포츠행정 경영 / 외국의 선수지원 및 메달보상제도 변천에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate beginning and management of athlete assistance and medal reward scheme in foreign countries. And then, this study was to explain legitimacy of athlete assistance and medal reward scheme in Korea.
Elite sports system that started from Soviet Union and East Europe in 1960`s managed athlete assistance and medal reward scheme, and provided money and in-kind for athlete and coach. Korea managed athlete assistance and medal reward scheme with acceptance elite sports system of Soviet Union and East grope in 1970`s. And athlete assistance and medal reward scheme raised world level to game result of Korea as stir up the morale of athlete and coach with provide money and in-land etc.
In research result, athlete assistance and medal reward scheme is universal phenomenon in democratic nations as well as Soviet Union and East Europe. Recently, but put on the brake at athlete assistance and medal reward scheme because of bribe acceptance affairs of IOC committee, when to consider trend of worldwide approval about athlete assistance and medal reward scheme, maintenance or magnification of athlete assistance and medal reward scheme in Korea is all right.
In conclusion, athlete assistance and medal reward scheme in Korea is to be limited width of beneficiary. Also, henceforth because financial support about physical education and sports of government will be reduced and domestic and international pressure about amateurism observance will be increased, expansion of private revenue and use of foundation for athlete assistance and medal reward scheme will be necessary.
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An Analysis of the Organizational Behavior of the Sports Administrative Organization 스포츠행정 경영 / 체육행정조직의 조직행태 분석
이학래HakLaeLee , 김현석HyunSukKim
38(4) 811-823, 1999
An Analysis of the Organizational Behavior of the Sports Administrative Organization 스포츠행정 경영 / 체육행정조직의 조직행태 분석
이학래HakLaeLee , 김현석HyunSukKim
This study was intended to present the plan for contributing to the development of the sports administrative organization by diagnosing how its employees perceived the behavior of job accomplishment, the degree of job involvement, individual-organization relationship, relationship between departmental organizations, intradepartmental relationship, and interdepartmental relationship.
To attain this goal, the questionnaire research was conducted for 320 employees in 4 sports administrative organizations. Data from 207 employees were used for actual analysis. The statistical program of SPSS/PC was used for statistical treatment.
The study results were summarized as follows:
First, it was found that employees did not carry out their jobs with a sense of responsibility in terms of job accomplishment behavior. In many cases, it was found that they received unreasonable guideline or directions in relation to the factor of avoiding job responsibility. And it was found that the degree of formulation was low and that they had little autonomy in accomplishing their job.
Second, it was found that all of the employees positively perceived the job per se as the degree of job involvement.
Third, it was found that employees were comparatively satisfied with workplace, job or human relations within the organization as the factor of individual-organization relationship, which implies that the possibility of turnover is low. But it was found that employees felt unsatisfied with the current reward system, or the provision of an opportunity to exhibit their ability.
Fourth, it was found that employees were relatively satisfied with their department or division. And it was found that there was little intradepartmental conflict such as conflicts with fellow works or superiors.
Fifth, it was found that employees positively perceived the interdepartmental cooperative relationship and that they perceived that their department had a comparatively greater influence than any other department. But it was found that the degree of interdependency between departments low.
Therefore, this study attempted to present the following scheme for organizational development by synthesizing the organizational behavior found as a result of research:
First, it is necessary to scale down the hierarchical structure into the working-type organization.
Second, it is necessary to introduce the task-centered team system. Third, it is necessary to specialize sports administrative manpower. Fourth, it is necessary to establish the piece rate system.
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The Influence Factors of Korean Professional Soccer Direct Consumer's Behvior Intention 스포츠행정 경영 / 프로축구 관람소비자 행동의도 영향 요인
38(4) 824-833, 1999
The Influence Factors of Korean Professional Soccer Direct Consumer's Behvior Intention 스포츠행정 경영 / 프로축구 관람소비자 행동의도 영향 요인
The main purpose of this study was to analysis measured influence factors of Korean professional soccer direct consumers Behavior Intention empirically.
Doing this purpose developed Questionnaires that Korean professional soccer’s direct consumer influence factors through the following Three concrete procedures.
Firstly, the literature is inquired into existing general consumer behavior scale and then the theoretical analysis is made on them.
Secondly, interview have with professional soccer’s direct consumer and profession in this field who working in the korean professional soccer association.
Thirdly, 64 initial items relative to the conceptional model were generated from both theoretical and empirical approach(the previous study, literature review, interview) and this items reduces into six factors-24 items by conducting item and exploratory factory analysis into 1502 consumer who attendance far Korean professional soccer game.
Then constructed the six subscales(Football product trait, Game situation, Individual traits, Goodwill, Opening, Team loyalty)factors. These were conform well to the underlying factor structure.
The adapted statistics analysis methods were Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis. It`s results are as follows.
Empirical investigations on the relationship of professional soccer`s direct consumer effect factor & attendance behavior intention are demonstrated high correlation.
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Forecast of the Future Changes in the Professional Korean Basketball League using Delphi Technique 스포츠행정 경영 / 델파이방법에 의한 프로농구 발전방향 모색
38(4) 834-847, 1999
Forecast of the Future Changes in the Professional Korean Basketball League using Delphi Technique 스포츠행정 경영 / 델파이방법에 의한 프로농구 발전방향 모색
The purpose of this study was to forecast the future changes in professional Korean Basketball League for suggesting the possible way of improving professional basketball in Korea. The subjects of this study were 26 basketball experts such as 9 universities professors and researcher, 7 sport marketing experts, and 10 basketball coaches and managers. Delphi technique was used to collect data with mail survey questionnaire for two times. Mean standard deviation, General Linear Model, Multiple Regression, and Factor Analysis were performed with the significance level of .05 for the data analysis using SAS(window version 6.12).
Based on the results of data analysis, confusions were drawn with the following three aspects. (1) improving competition level for Korean professional basketball players, (2) maximizing profit for professional basketball team through efficient team management, and (3) secure various level of spectators and enhancing recognition of professional basketball.
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Theoretical Model Test on Sport Volunteers' Level of Need and Commitment 사회체육 / 스포츠 자원봉사자의 욕구수준과 몰입의 인과구조 검증
김기영KiYoungKim , 장덕선DukSunChang
38(4) 851-858, 1999
Theoretical Model Test on Sport Volunteers' Level of Need and Commitment 사회체육 / 스포츠 자원봉사자의 욕구수준과 몰입의 인과구조 검증
김기영KiYoungKim , 장덕선DukSunChang
The purpose of this study was to test the relationship between need level and commitment of college students who were volunteering in the sports and leisure areas. To attain the purpose of this study, theoretical structure of need level and commitment was established and tested with Confirmatory factor analyses. The theoretical structure model by CFA was to estimated based on absolute fit measures and parsimony fit measures. Chi-square tests were significant, but normed X² showed the fit of model. Goodness of fit index proved the fit of model but was in the range of marginal acceptance level. Root mean square error of approximation and parsimony normed fit index ware to be confirmed the fat of model.
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A Study on the Uses of School Sports Facilities 사회체육 / 학교체육시설의 활용 방안
나상준SangJoonNa , 고재곤JaeGonKo
38(4) 859-870, 1999
A Study on the Uses of School Sports Facilities 사회체육 / 학교체육시설의 활용 방안
나상준SangJoonNa , 고재곤JaeGonKo
The purpose of this study is to comparatively analyze the school spores facilities owned by wide local autonomous administrations and thereby, provide for some basic data to make use of the existing school sports facilities. According to “School Sports Statistics ‘98” published by School Health Environment Division of Education ministry, school sports facilities are surveyed by outdoor sports facility, indoor sports facility, area of sports ground and swimming pool. This study follows such a categorization for the comparative analysis of school sports facilities. Moreover, in the light of population and provincial area, the number of those sports facilities - outdoor and indoor sports facilities including swimming pools - are divided by 100 thousand to be compared, while the area of sports ground is divided by the provincial area.
The result of this study can be summarized as follows;
First, in terms of the outdoor sports facility ratio, the provinces could be divided into four grades; “A” grade was scored by Kangwon, Chungnam and Chunnam “B” grade by Chungbuk, Chunbuk, Kyongbuk and Cheju, “C” grade by Daegu, Kwangju and Kyongnam and “D” grade was scored by Seoul, Busan, inchon, Daejon and Kyonggi in their order.
Second, in terms of the indoor sports facility ratio, the provinces could also be divided into four grades; “A” grade was scored by Seoul, Kwangju, Kangwon, Chunnam and Chunbuk, “B” grade by Chungnam “C” grade by Daegu, Chungbuk, Kyongbuk and Cheju, “D” grade was scored by Busan, Inchon, Daejon, Kyonggi and Kyongnam in their order.
Third, in terms of the sports ground ratio, “A” grade was scored by Seoul and Busan, “B” grade by Daegu, Kwangu and Daejon, “C” grade by Inchon, Kyonggi and Cheiu, and “D” grade was scored by Kangwon, Chungnam Chungbuk, Chunnam, Chunbuk, Kyongnam and Kyongbuk in their order.
Fourth, in terms of the swimming pool ratio, “A” grade was scored by Kangwon and Cheju, “B” grade by Seoul, “C” grade by Busan, Kwangju, Daejon, Kyonggi, Chungnam, Chungbuk, Chunnam Kyongnam and Kyongbuk, and “D” grade was scored by Daegu, Inchon and Chunbuk in their order.
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A Study on The Result of Analysis of The Works Demonstrated In The Sports Aerobics 사회체육 / 스포츠에어로빅스 혼성 2 인조 경기의 연기내용 분석
박종성JongSungPark , 최원실ChoiWon-Sil
38(4) 871-883, 1999
A Study on The Result of Analysis of The Works Demonstrated In The Sports Aerobics 사회체육 / 스포츠에어로빅스 혼성 2 인조 경기의 연기내용 분석
박종성JongSungPark , 최원실ChoiWon-Sil
The purpose of this study is to pursue a better dancing composition by conducting a comparison analysis the number of the degree of difficult and the level composing the time of the major performance of the works of Korean players together with the work of the players of mixed pair part among the winners of top 6th place in sports aerobics world championship contest.
Taking a view over the result of this study, specially in the space composition(large in size) the distinguished foreign players demonstrated a colorful performance over the four (4) aspects of the stage. Although the Korean players had acted over many portions of the stage space their motion was somewhat restricted in simply straight form such as moving forward and back, left and right, montonously.
Secondly, regarding the time for the performance, both of he local and foreign players took almost equal time respectively.
Thirdly, in the level of degree of difficulty, while the foreign players had distributed the number of their degree of difficulty almost uniformly over their entire range of performance, the local players failed in demonstrating an equally distributed number of degree of difficulty that their last part of performance were noticed as remarkably drop down of the degree compared with that of foreign players.
Based on the result of this study, the researcher would suggest that in the composition of space the local team of players will require a well diversified spate motion rather than concentration in straght motion though they have had displayed a colorful dancing performance by using the four aspects of the stage.
Regarding the time of performance, their dancing performance may be carried on in a consideration of well proportionated physical strength and effective allocation of the given time. Last1y, in regard with the number of degree of representation of artistic sentiment by performing an accurate degree of difficulty by equal distribution of the number of degree of difficulty over the ensure works.
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A Study on the Participating Type of Elderly Leisure, Sporting Activities and Satisfaction of Life 여가 레크리에이션 / 고령자의 여가·스포츠 참가 유형과 생활만족도에 관한 연구
38(4) 887-903, 1999
A Study on the Participating Type of Elderly Leisure, Sporting Activities and Satisfaction of Life 여가 레크리에이션 / 고령자의 여가·스포츠 참가 유형과 생활만족도에 관한 연구
The issues for the aged have been appearing on the stage as the deep social problems since the end of 1970’s when our communities began to enter into high level industry, which were concerned by people in modern times. The starting time to study on the aged in Korea was from the 1960’s, Moreover, it was lively proceeded during the end of the 1970’s and the 1980’s. At first, it mainly dealt medical issues for them, then spread up to their social concerns later. This study was to research about the participating type of the aged’ leisure, sports activities, as well as its changable relationships with life satisfaction on the premise regarding the necessity of positive practice toward leisure and its participation as the positive solution scheme from the aged’ issues, which was based on the social concerns related with the aged.
According to the questionary method, to select the main group who were over 60-years-old, men and women in Pusan, it was studied and analyzed regarding the realities of the aged’ leisure activities, the participating attitude in sports, the relationships between the degree of satisfaction life when participating in sports activities, the valuated consciousness and the 1ife satisfaction. The results were as follows ;
1. As to the realities of the aged’ leisure activities depending on sex, men would like to take time for a walk or trip, women prefer exercising as well as traveling.
2. As to the participation depending on events, in case of the aged who were playing badminton, table tennis, mountain climbing, abdomen breathing gymnastics, sports-dance, dancing and aerobics, the majority of the aged felt the tiredness and shoulder-ache during their daily lives.
3. Among the low ranking scopes of the participating attitude in sports, in case of participating in sports for the self-training or character-building themselves, it significantly had an effect on the satisfaction of life.
4. In case of building their own character through sports activities, it had the highest effect on the life satisfaction.
5. The satisfaction of sporting activities in their childhood had an effect on the life satisfaction.
6. As to the role of cooperator, the children’s cooperation was the most important factor from 60 to the less than 65 years old aged, the friend’s cooperation from 66 to less than 70 years old aged, the spouses’s cooperation for the more than 71 years old aged.
7. The more often loneliness they could settle down through sports activities, the higher life satisfaction they did have.
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Confirmatory Model Strategy among Leisure Satisfaction, Leisure Flow Experience, and Participation in Sport for All of the Elderly 여가 레크리에이션 / 노인의 여가만족, 여가몰입 체험 그리고 생활체육참가 간의 확증모델
신갑호GapHoShin , 문용YongMoon
38(4) 904-918, 1999
Confirmatory Model Strategy among Leisure Satisfaction, Leisure Flow Experience, and Participation in Sport for All of the Elderly 여가 레크리에이션 / 노인의 여가만족, 여가몰입 체험 그리고 생활체육참가 간의 확증모델
신갑호GapHoShin , 문용YongMoon
To develop the confirmatory model among leisure satisfaction, leisure flow experience, and participation in sport for all of the elderly, this study was foused to develop the structural relationship among subscales of leisure satisfaction-restfull, psychological, social, environmental, physiological, and educational leisure satisfaction- leisure flow experience, that is, mental, active, time, and participation of sport for all of the elderly.
The study tool for measuring leisure satisfaction was as 4 point Likert Scale questionnaire adjusted for this research propose developed by Beard and Ragheb(1980), redeveloped leisure flow experience a 5 point Likert considering developed Scale by Angle et al(1981), Batsman et al(1984), Csikszentmihalyi(1975) and Kim(1995) and the Participation in sport for all a 7 point Likers Scale questionnaire.
Analysis was done by the Amos and the LISREL 8.12 version using Liner Structural Equation Modeling.
The results of this study was a follows:
First, There was confirmatory causal relationship between restful, social, environmental, Physiological, and educational leisure satisfaction and participation in sport for all.
Second, There was confirmatory causal relationship between psychological, social, and physiological leisure satisfaction and leisure flow experience
Third, There was confirmatory causal relationship between leisure flow experience and participation in sport for all.
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The Effect of Anxiety on Tennis Performance: Multidimensional Anxiety Theory versus Catastrophe Model 여가 레크리에이션 / 대학생 여가활동 참여의도에 미치는 인지 심리적 결정요인 분석
유진JinYoo , 김영재YungJeKim
38(4) 919-927, 1999
The Effect of Anxiety on Tennis Performance: Multidimensional Anxiety Theory versus Catastrophe Model 여가 레크리에이션 / 대학생 여가활동 참여의도에 미치는 인지 심리적 결정요인 분석
유진JinYoo , 김영재YungJeKim
The multidimensional anxiety theory predicts a linear and negative relationship between cognitive anxiety and performance, while the catastrophe model proposes that when somatic anxiety is high, increase in cognitive anxiety have a facilitating effect on performance. This study tested these contradictory prediction with 72 college students attending tennis skill classes. They completed the Korean version of CSAI-2 to measure their somatic anxiety responses just before tennis skill performance (forehand-stroke) over three times. A significant cognitive x somatic interaction was emerged by moderated hierarchical regression analyses, indicating a negative relationship between cognitive anxiety and tennis performance when somatic anxiety was low. Furthermore, negative relationships weir found between anxiety responses(cognitive and somatic) and tennis performance, Thus, this study did not support the prediction of the catastrophe model as well as the multidimensional anxiety theory.
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An Analysis on Building the Image of Recreational Leader through the Recreation Education Experiences for the Second Recreation Grade Qualification 여가 레크리에이션 / 레크리에이션 지도자 과정 (II급) 연수 경험을 통한 지도자 이미지 정립에 관한 분석
이철원ChulWonLee , 장경로KyungRoChang
38(4) 928-939, 1999
An Analysis on Building the Image of Recreational Leader through the Recreation Education Experiences for the Second Recreation Grade Qualification 여가 레크리에이션 / 레크리에이션 지도자 과정 (II급) 연수 경험을 통한 지도자 이미지 정립에 관한 분석
이철원ChulWonLee , 장경로KyungRoChang
This study investigated the image and significance of recreational leader among recreational leaders who just took the second recreation grade qualification according to their experiences about the education for the qualification acquisition by using qualitative methods. Five informants(two males and two females) were participant in this study. They mostly ranged from 20 to 25 years of age, and were interested in working in the field of recreational leader. Data for this study were collected by four methods. Interview was used as a main method, and researcher’s observation reflection notes, simple telephone interview, and primary materials from newspapers were used as sub-methods. In order to understand fully the circumstance and characteristics of research topic, one of researchers participated the recreational education course as participant-as-observer(Morse & Field, 1995). Research time line was divided into two schedule: the first period(July 5 to July 16,1999) was during the education and the second period was after the education for one month Collected data were analyzed as a thematic analysis which is often used in phenomenological approach of participants’ experiences. According to the analysis on exploring the image of recreational leader, it is as follows:
First, an individual realm of recreational leader is divided into two sub-themes about self-identification and self-development. This is very important to understand why recreational leaders are involved on this kind of work Second, social realm is emerged with three sub-themes such as participation consciousness, service attendance, and cooperation. This is closely related to how the leaders are interacted to others and social systems in their works.
As indicated, this study discussed three directions. First, what is called ‘recreation leader’ should have multiple abilities to lead people. Second, we have to change our own perspective related to recreation. It means that recreation is not only having good time, but taking care for others in our society, last, to be recreational leader requires a lot of an individual endeavor. These directions must be accomplished by government support, changing social consciousness, and educational transformation for recreational leader.
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Self - Concept and Perceptions of Leisure Constraints Among the Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 여가 레크리에이션 / 척수장애인의 자아개념과 여가제약지각
38(4) 940-949, 1999
Self - Concept and Perceptions of Leisure Constraints Among the Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 여가 레크리에이션 / 척수장애인의 자아개념과 여가제약지각
Most research into constraints on leisure has focused on leisure participation of non-disabled groups of people. This study was carried out to identify the tapes of leisure constraints and examine the relationships between self-concept and leisure constraints among individuals with spinal cord injury who were one of the leisure disadvantaged groups. The sample consisted of 133 individuals with spinal cord injury from rehabilitation centers, a vocational school for the physically disabled, and recreational sports clubs which located in Seoul or local cities. They were between the age of 16-64. The data were collected through self-administered survey, The Crawford et al.(1991) model was used assessing constraints on leisure and TSCS(Tennessee Self-Concept Scale) on self-concept of individuals with spinal cord injury.
The respondents perceived structural constraints highly, and significantly lower physical-self than family-self, personal-self, and social-self. And their self-concept was found to be negatively related to the perception of interpersonal constraints, structural constraints, and total constraints.
The results of the study suggested that the provision of recreation services should be different from the typical services in order to accommodate individuals with spinal cord injury. Altering approach of service provision may actually offer an opportunity for those individuals to overcome their leisure constraints and to develop preferences for leisure activities which they may never have previously considered.
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The Relationship between Leisure Activity and Career Maturity of Middle Students 여가 레크리에이션 / 여가 활동 참여와 진로 성숙의 관계 - 중학생을 중심으로 -
조한범HanBeomCho , 이경일KyungIlLee , 김미향MeeHyangKim
38(4) 950-959, 1999
The Relationship between Leisure Activity and Career Maturity of Middle Students 여가 레크리에이션 / 여가 활동 참여와 진로 성숙의 관계 - 중학생을 중심으로 -
조한범HanBeomCho , 이경일KyungIlLee , 김미향MeeHyangKim
The purpose of this research is provedly find out the relationship between leisure activity and career maturity of middle school students.
To achieve this purpose, we established as population the second-grade students in middle school in the district of Seoul Education Agency. Then we abstracted 543 students our of selected 560 students as valid sampling, using cluster random sampling. The contents of the questionnaire used in the research are these : five questions on the socio-demographic characteristics, one question on participation patterns leisure activity, three questions on participation degree of leisure activity.
We used the career maturity teat supplement-modified by Chang Bun-mee(1997) and then by Moon Mee-lan(1998) on the basis of the career maturity test developed in the Korean Education Development Institute. This test consists of 29 questions on attitudes and 21 questions on competences. Crombach’s α values are .741 and .679 respectively.
To order to analyze the data, this study used crosstabs analysis, average comparative analysis, ANCOVA, multiple classification analysis in a SPSS PC+ Version 7.0 and 8.0.
Based on the procedures and results, the following conclusions were warranted :
1. According to the socio-demographic characteristics, the participation patterns of leisure activity showed that the male students took part higher in the sports activity and that the female students took part higher in the appreciation activity. This result is significant.
2. The career maturity on the participation patterns of leisure activity showed that the students participating in the appreciation activity got higher scores in the competences factor, and that the students participating in the hobby-culture activity got higher scores in the attitudes factor. This result is significant.
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The Perceiving of Purpose Concepts in Physical Education of Students with Disabilities 특수체육 / 장애학생의 체육목표 인식분석
38(4) 963-973, 1999
The Perceiving of Purpose Concepts in Physical Education of Students with Disabilities 특수체육 / 장애학생의 체육목표 인식분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze and identify students with disabilities perceiving of purpose engaging in physical activity on the basis of 22 purpose concepts in Purpose Process Curriculum Framework developed by Jewett and Mullan(1977). The P.P.C.F. is a theoretical framework in physical education with underlying assumption based on humanistic principles of individual purposing and self-actualization. The purpose dimension consists of three key concepts: individual development, environmental coping and social interaction which are subdivided into seven major concepts : physiological efficiency, psychic equilibrium spatial orientation object manipulation, communication, group interaction and culture involvement. The subjects of this study were 150 students with disabilities and 150 students without disabilities. A questionnaire designed to measure physical education student’s perceiving of physical education purpose. Each item of the questionnaire was evaluated by Likert scale with five response op ions. Statistical methods employed in this study were t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results of this study were as follows: First, there were significant differences in the level of recognitions for physical education purpose concepts between the students with disabilities and the students without disabilities. In general, the students with disabilities were more positive than the students without disabilities on their recognition level of physical education purpose concepts. Students without disabilities were highly cognitive group interaction, physiological efficiency and psychic equilibrium but students without disabilities were highly cognitive spatial orientation, physiological efficiency and group interaction. Second, there were significant differences in the level of recognitions for physical education purpose concepts among students with orthopedically disabilities, students with blind and students with deaf. Students with orthopedically disabilities were highly cognitive cultural involvement, group interaction and object manipulation. Students with blind were highly cognitive group interaction, spatial orientation and physiological efficiency. Students with deaf were highly cognitive physiological efficiency, psychic equilibrium and group interaction.
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Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Physical Fitness and Vital Capacity in Mentally Retarded Adults 특수체육 / 장기간의 운동이 정신지체인의 체력과 폐기능에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to investigate the effects of aerobic exercise on the physical fitness and the vital capacity in the mentally retarded adults(11 men, 21.1±1.69yr). In order to do this successfully, an aerobic exercise is conducted on the mentally retarded adults, as the object of study, affiliated with Pusan Therapeutic Recreation Association for 12 weeks, 60 minutes everytime, once a week. As a result of this study, the conclusions are obtained as follows:
1. Grip strength, trunk flexion forward, side-step, sit-ups, sargent jump and push-ups were significant difference in pre and post aerobic exercise.
2. Back strength, stork stand and whole body reaction timer were no significant difference in pre and post aerobic exercise. However, there is no significant difference among them in their after their 12 weeks` aerobic exercise.
3. Forced vital capacity (FVC), maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV), forced expiratory volume for 0.5 second for FVC (FVC.5/FVC(%)), peak expiratory flow (PEF) and forced expiratory volume for 0.5 second (FEV.5) were significant difference in pre and post aerobic exercise.
Therefore, it can be seen that 12 weeks` aerobic exercise results in making much progress in the development of their physical fitness and vital capacity. In this respect, it is expected that much more various and advanced research of rehabilitation and exercise programs for the handicapped would be needed.
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A Path Analytic Study on the Dance Participation and Dance Achievement Process 무용 / 무용참가와 무용성취 과정에 관한 경로분석적 연구
38(4) 985-1005, 1999
A Path Analytic Study on the Dance Participation and Dance Achievement Process 무용 / 무용참가와 무용성취 과정에 관한 경로분석적 연구
Dance socialization is a lifelong process which individuals develop and shape their social identities, create a sense of self, and learn how to participate in dance roles and relationships.
The purpose of the present study was to quantitatively determine the influences of factors related to dance participation and dance achievement under the assumption that complex and various social psychological factors operate in dance socialization process.
The sample was drawn from 364 juniors majoring dance in universities located in Seoul and Kyonggi-do using a purposive sampling method from November to December, 1998.
Data were collected through the questionnaire based on the previous studies.
Regression analysis method and path analysis method were used in order to test hypotheses. Each hypothesis was tested at the significant level of .05.
On the basis of the results analysed, the conclusions were drawn as follows ;
1. Frequency of dance participation is influenced by gender and dance teacher`s teaching ability. Time of dance participation is influenced by intelligence, parents` educational level, perceived dance ability, mother`s encouragement and interest, and dance teacher`s teaching ability. Duration of dance is influenced by income, perceived dance ability, and mother`s encouragement and interest.
2. Frequency of dance participation has a negative influence on social self-concept. Time and duration of dance participation have positive influences on all sub self-concepts such as academic, social, and physical self-concept.
3. Time and duration of dance participation have positive influences on achievement motivation level.
4. Also, Time and duration of dance participation have positive influences on dance achievement.
5. In case of inputting each variable independently, dance achievement is influenced by intelligence, income, perceived dance ability, mother and dance teacher`s encouragements and interests, dance teacher`s personality, and understanding of learners.
6. There are causal relationships among dance participation, self-concept, achievement motivation, and dance achievement. Duration of dance participation, physical and social self-concept, and achievement motivation influence on dance achievement directly.
In conclusion, from the dance socialization process of view personal attributes such as gender, intelligence, parents` educational level and income, perceived dance ability, and mother`s encouragement and interest influence the degree of dance participation. And it contributes to increasing dance achievement level by increasing self-concept and achievement motivation.
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A Characteristics of Intralimb segment coordination and a Pattern of Vertical Reaction Force of Turn - out Vertical Jump in Dance 무용 / 무용 Turn - out 수직점프의 하지내 분절협응과 수직지면반력 유형
윤남식N.S.Yun , 이경옥K.O.Yi , 송인아SongI.A.
38(4) 1006-1014, 1999
A Characteristics of Intralimb segment coordination and a Pattern of Vertical Reaction Force of Turn - out Vertical Jump in Dance 무용 / 무용 Turn - out 수직점프의 하지내 분절협응과 수직지면반력 유형
윤남식N.S.Yun , 이경옥K.O.Yi , 송인아SongI.A.
The purpose of this research is to illuminate the dance-biomechanical characteristics of balanced landing of dance turn-out vertical jump with great jump height and small impact which is aesthetically harmonic and to describe such motion. The subject of the current research are 8 ballet dancers selected from a group of professional dancers with 10 - 15 years of experience. Throughout the research, kinematic variables are extracted using 2-dimensional image analysis method and kinetic variables are measured using force platform.
At take-off, the coordination of lower extremity segments shows sequential pattern and only the maximum vertical speed shows short delays.
The ideal vertical ground repulse model at turn-out vertical jump is such that the active peak at landing is smaller than that at take-off and the lasting time of active peak at landing is larger or equal to that at take-off. This landing technique is an ideal landing model which minimizes the impact force and gives balanced landing.
In order to perform an ideal turn-out vertical jump, coordination of lower extremity joints must be done harmonically and the motion of adjacent segments should be sequential. Thus one must train to move segments sequentially with releve, plie, demi-pointe.